11 adjectives to describe inculcations

Instead, there is a direct inculcation of patriotism, a strenuous and methodical training of each unit for his place in the great State machine.

He believed that the reason why incestuous unions were avoided and abhorred, was to be found in the constant inculcation, at home and in literature, that "They are unholy, hated of God, and

There can be no good plea for the deliberate and formal inculcation upon the young of a number of propositions which you believe to be false.

How has knowledge or virtue been increased and preserved in one place beyond another, but by diligent inculcation and rational enforcement?

This firm foundation is that of the social feelings of mankind; the desire to be in unity with our fellow creatures, which is already a powerful principle in human nature, and happily one of those which tend to become stronger, even without express inculcation, from the influences of advancing civilization.

Even in his social and moral exhortations, tinctured as they are with medievalism, and however much we may here again disagree with him, he had much that was uplifting and inspiring to say to his time,a time that had great need of his apostolic counsellings and his fervent inculcations of morality, industry, religion, and humanity.

Yet, since the fear of missing what we seek must always be proportionable to the happiness expected from possessing it, the passions, even in this tempestuous state, might be somewhat moderated by frequent inculcation of the mischief of temerity, and the hazard of losing that which we endeavour to seize before our time.

Teachers, too, whose business it is to aid the articulation of the young, and, by a patient inculcation of elementary principles, to lay the foundation of an accurate pronunciation, may derive some assistance from any notation of these principles, which will help their memory, or that of the learner.

And good ideals need, just as much as bad ones, systematic inculcation, continual open expression and restatement.

Why, after the careful inculcations of rectitude during education, comes there in afterlife all this knavery?

That may, of course, be attributable to the obscurity which veils the history of those countries; but the exceedingly mild character of their religion, together with their unceasing inculcation of forbearance towards all living things, and the fact that Brahmanism by its caste system properly admits no proselytes, allows one to hope that their adherents may be acquitted of shedding blood on a large scale, and of cruelty in any form.

11 adjectives to describe  inculcations