16 adjectives to describe indentations

[-14-] No one knows clearly in what manner she perished, for there were found merely slight indentations on her arm.

To the left there is also a considerable indentation, caused by a late falling in of the rock; but it scarcely appears from the Canadian side.

But on examining the match very closely I observed, as you can see for yourself, certain rather sharp indentations in the wood.

To describe it in one sentence, it is an immense basin, from two to three miles in diameter at the top, the edges of which are composed of ragged hills, and the sides and bottom of which are diversified with myriads of little hillocks and corresponding indentations.

They had begun to track game as soon as they could walk; a scrape on a tree trunk, a bruised leaf, a faint indentation of the soil, which the eye of no white man could see, all told them a tale as plainly as if it had been shouted in their ears.

To the north the marsh is bounded by live-oak woods,a line with numberless indentations,beyond which runs the Matanzas River, as I know by the passing and repassing of sails behind the trees.

Saginaw, a deep and wide-mouthed bay, is the principal indentation on the western coast.

The work that now lay before us was, perhaps, one of the most interesting features of the North-West coasta remarkable indentation, south of Roebuck Bay, many parts of which had never been seen.

This condition of the foot appears as a gap or shallow indentation, narrow or wide, in the thickness of the wall, with its length in the direction of the horn fibres.

He then let it fallsimply by its own weightproducing a tiny indentation such as might be caused by the kick of one's heel It required about three such strokes, if they could so called strokes, to detach one single small stone.

During this day we ran through ranges of uneven mountains, rising one above another in broken undulations and with ever-varying tops, such as table lands, sharp conical peaks, rounded heads, and broken indentations.

They are closely united to the bars and to the triangular indentation in the posterior border of the sole.

Great bulks projected, capped by gigantic mitres or diadems, and flanked by cavernous indentations.

In sailing along the coast, looking for a landing place, I selected two placesSiboney, a little indentation in the coast about twelve or thirteen miles east of Santiago, and another little bay about eight miles further east, where small streams entered into the sea, making a valley and a sandbar about 150 to 200 yards in extent.

The heel was turned out to such an extent that the track was always a narrow indentation, where the heel fell on the soft soil.

The pressure of a tumour (in this case a keraphyllocele) has led to rarefactive changes in the bone, forming a neat indentation in the normal contour of the bone which serves to accommodate the tumour.

16 adjectives to describe  indentations