37 adjectives to describe individualism

But this extreme individualism is the right of all, and does not favour self-exaltation.

The myth of rugged American individualism.

When we are sunk in the selfish individualism of peace, war comes to make us realize that we are members one of another.

In 1848, when it was my lot to be in the midst of it, the revolution arose from the selfish conduct of Louis Philippe, who enriched himself and his family out of the national treasury, and encouraged his sons in a course which was at war with national precedent, with the commercial interests and democratic individualism of the French; for with their imperial prestiges and tastes they are extreme in their personal democracy.

Whatever may be thought of the actual truth of this belief, it certainly was far more consoling than that intense individualism of modern philosophy which places every soul alone in its life-battle,scarce even giving it a God to lean upon.

All to-day are aware that sheer individualism in the economic sphere is an almost unmitigated evil; sheer individualism in the political sphere and sheer nationalism are equally evil.

They were not so much concerned about the rights of man as about his duties, and their great purpose was to substitute for the visionary idealism of a rampant individualism the authority of law.

" This highest expansion can never be realized in pure individualism.

Bunyan's life is an epitome of that astonishing religious individualism which marked the close of the English Reformation.

And yet if we were to attribute the malady merely to excessive individualism, we would again err in mistaking a symptom for a cause.

They tend merely to simplify it to bare irresponsible non-moral individualism.

In treating the history of philosophy, two extremes must be avoided, lawless individualism and abstract logical formalism.

Her marriage under these circumstances required no little individualism of purpose, and some defiance of social obligations.

This he strongly denied; as the older feeling went, nothing, he said, had taken its place, or would take its place, but a naked and restless individualism, always seeking for personal satisfaction, and always missing it.

The contrasting type of socialism is that which is really the full development of democracy, its movement from a narrow individualism to ever wider voluntary co-operation.

Also, we used our fists rather than daggers or duelling swords in personal encounters and, man to man, unequipped with fire-arms or blades, the quality which is responsible for our sturdy pioneering individualism gave us confidence in our physical prowess.

On his strong, tenacious nature, nurtured on self-reliant individualism, the arguments of the younger generation made no impression.

The consequence is that here, pretty well out of A.P.M. range, sartorial individualism flourishes unchecked.

Their records display less of brilliancy, but more of patient persistency, than those of Greece, less of spectacular individualism, more of truly patriotic self-suppression.

His stalwart individualism, in part temperamental, was also as a political working faith the result of a distrust of logic divorced from the experience and responsibility of actual administration.

The criterion of truth is insufficient, for Spinoza and Leibnitz built up their opposing theoriesthe pantheism of the one and the monadology of the otherfrom equally clear and distinct conceptions; tried by this standard individualism is just as true as pantheism.

Such a life is not without its charms, and it is small wonder that in all ages men of intellect have sought in some form of communistic association relief from the pressure of strenuous individualism.

In spite of the strident individualism of this brand of globalist rhetoric, it leaves no room for independent thinking or personal choice, except insofar as they are permitted by one's consumption decisions or the way one chooses to participate in the profit-making game.

Also, we used our fists rather than daggers or duelling swords in personal encounters and, man to man, unequipped with fire-arms or blades, the quality which is responsible for our sturdy pioneering individualism gave us confidence in our physical prowess.

His stalwart individualism, in part temperamental, was also as a political working faith the result of a distrust of logic divorced from the experience and responsibility of actual administration.

37 adjectives to describe  individualism