22 adjectives to describe injections

The effects were reported to the Society of Biology in Paris, one memorable evening, June 1, 1889, in two notes on the results of the hypodermic injection in man of the testis juice of monkeys and dogs, and certain generalizations deduced therefrom.

From this we are forced to the conclusion that, if subcutaneous injections of the liquids drawn from these parts are ineffectual, then we should inject some of the venous blood supplying these parts....

CO. Diesel engine & stroke cycles, solid injections.

"In spite of their own sufferings they were trying to help me, and when I was fully conscious again the German gave us a morphia injection and took one himself.

In this case we may at first try the ordinary treatments of poulticing; and blistering, of antiseptic caustic injections, and of plugging.

He was the discoverer of the anti-typhoid injection which has done so much to stay the ravages of that disease.

Supplying lime directly, particularly by direct injection into the blood, will relieve the symptoms.

" He accordingly proposed a double injection, first by muriate of barytes, and, secondly, by sulphate of copper, forced through by the Boucherie process, and it is presumed that the ties of 1870, in experiment No. 2, which showed favorable results when examined in 1875, were prepared by that process.

The claim made by some that the injected water does not fill the clearance spaces, but is aerated, does not hold good, except with an inefficient injection system.

scaffold; block, ax, guillotine; stake; cross; gallows, gibbet, tree, drop, noose, rope, halter, bowstring; death chair, electric chair; gas chamber; lethal injection; firing squad; mecate^. house of correction &c (prison) 752. goaler, jailer; executioner; electrocutioner^; lyncher; hangman; headsman^; Jack Ketch.

This method of 'plugging,' although practised by many, we cannot recommend in preference to the use of the hot iron or of liquid injections.

He was astonished and satisfied not to be weighted with drugs and vials, and a faint smile played on his lips when the servant brought a nourishing injection of peptone and told him he was to take it three times every twenty-four hours.

Dr. Cathcart observing the lad's condition more shrewdly than his patient knew, gave him a very slight injection of morphine.

Death can be produced by successive daily injections of its internal secretion.

Whereat the mother, finding her protests disregarded, dried her eyes and set herself to fill the poor child's infrequent leisure with anti-toxin injections of the higher morality as conveyed in the poetry of TENNYSON.

He was the discoverer of the anti-typhoid injection which has done so much to stay the ravages of that disease.

The water which flooded the bottom of the cylinder arose from the voluminous injection; this water was pushed into the end of the cylinder and some of it escaped with the air through the discharge valve.

In this case we may at first try the ordinary treatments of poulticing; and blistering, of antiseptic caustic injections, and of plugging.

acetatis; and the pain, if appearing unbearable, allayed by doses of choral and hypodermic injections of morphia.

In this book, Mr. Chambers's purpose is to show that the salvation of society lies in the constant injection of new blood into its veins.

Death can be produced by successive daily injections of its internal secretion.

In comparatively few cases were the changes so slight as to consist in a somewhat swollen and opaque condition of the superficial layers of the mucous membrane, with delicate rosy-red injection, and some prominence of the solitary follicles and Peyer's patches.

22 adjectives to describe  injections