160 adjectives to describe inspiration

A sudden inspiration pierced the Canadian's fog of terror.

That the psalms were composed under divine inspiration, and that it is well known that from the beginning of the Church they were used not only to foster the piety of the faithful, who offered "the sacrifice of praise to God, that is to say, the fruit of lips confessing to His name" (Heb. xiii. 15), butthat retaining the custom of the Old Lawthey held a conspicuous place in both the liturgy and Divine Office of the New Law.

As little as Mohammed, when he invoked the Meccans in wild poetic inspirations to array themselves behind him to seek the blessedness of future life, had dreamt of the possibility that twenty years later the whole of Arabia would acknowledge his authority in this world, as little, nay, much less, could he at the close of his life have had the faintest premonition of the fabulous development which his state would reach half a century later.

"Plenty of time"suddenly a flash of direct inspiration seemed to coordinate her scattered faculties.

They are preoccupied in their own native inspiration.

That this in his case was no barren sentiment, but a genuine moral inspiration, was proved by his life; for truly "he endured as seeing Him who is invisible."

But the glory of the Palazzo Vecchio towerafer its proportionsis that brilliant inspiration of the architect which led him, so to speak, to begin again by setting the four columns on the top of the solid portion.

The old superstition of plenary inspiration may, by its reverence for the very word, have saved many a meaning from the obliteration of a misunderstanding scribe: in all critical work it seems to me well to cling to the word until one sinks not merely baffled, but exhausted.

By the way of verbal "inspiration," as when the very words are received apparently through the outer senses; or else put together in the imagination.

He makes Solomon the first who practised an art which is so powerful against demons; and the knowledge of which, he asserts, was communicated to that prince by immediate inspiration.

MERRYMAN Come then, employ your lofty inspiration, And carry on the poet's avocation, Just as we carry on a love affair.

These are great giftsgifts of Christ, too, tokens that God's spirit is with them, and that all they need is to be true to His gracious inspirations.

Monuments are they of religious zeal and poetical inspiration,the creations of great artists, although we scarcely know their names; adapted to the uses designed; the expression of consecrated sentiments; the marble history of the ages in which they were erected,now heavy and sombre when society was enslaved and mournful; and then cheerful and lofty when Christianity was joyful and triumphant.

Its value as a source of literary inspiration has been fully appreciated, but the Fian and Cuchullin cycles still await, like virgin soil, to yield an abundant harvest for the poets of the future.

The ritual, only provisionally regulated and continually liable to change according to prophetic inspiration in Mohammed's lifetime, required unalterable rules after his death.

Because of the infinity of God and the finitude of man, the one, universal, eternal religion can only manifest itself in the form of particular historical religions, which are termed revealed because founded by religious heroes, creative personalities, in whom an especially lively religious feeling is aroused by a new view of the universe, and determines (not, like artistic inspiration, single moments, but) their whole existence.

What a sublime inspiration Raphael must have felt when he painted it!

" Such passages as these command the instant assent of all who reverence an ethical and spiritual inspiration in the prophets, and a real revelation through them, and they command no other belief.

One such godly motion, one such pure inspiration of the Spirit of God listened to humbly, and obeyed heartily, may be the means of putting you into the right path thenceforward, that you may go on and grow in strength and wisdom, and favour with God and man; till you become again, in the world to come, what you were when you were carried home from the baptismal font, a little child, pure from all spot of sin.

On this night, something in Mr. Stilton's face arrested my attention, and a rapid inspiration flashed through my mind.

AT LAST Miss Caroline dutifully returned the calls that were paid her, with never a suspicion that her slavery to strong drink had been the secret inspiration of them.

"It is a matter of momentary inspiration.

But that living a kind of spiritual life, and being removed a little from all worldly affairs; they might always be fit to receive holy inspirations, and always ready to search out the Mind of GOD, and to advise and direct the people therein.

As there flashes and thrills through all nature a subtle electric vibration which is the supreme form of physical energy, so there runs through the history of mankind a current of spiritual inspiration and power.

Prophesy often implies supernatural inspiration to foretell correctly.

160 adjectives to describe  inspiration