9 adjectives to describe instigation

Having embarked on a career of villainy under her direct instigation, he might go on of his own accord, indefinitely.

"] Three times at the earnest instigation of his friends, who pointed out the necessity of keeping up appearances, had he set out to pay a visit to Dialstone Lane, and three times had he turned back half-way as he realized the difficult nature of his task.

MARMADUKE I believe that there are phantoms, That in the shape of man do cross our path On evil instigation, to make sport Of our distressand thou art one of them!

The Indian tribes not under foreign instigations remain at peace, and receive the civilizing attentions which have proved so beneficial to them.

Far up a nightly instigation of stars he sees: but he may not strike them with the head.

"Let all who have at heart the honour and the peace of the city arise; let the National Guard, repulsing all perfidious instigations, rally round its officers, and prevent evils of which the consequences will be incalculable.

Suddenly, at their secret instigation, the army, rising from its cantonments in the neighbourhood of Nottingham, approached the metropolis, and selected quarters in the county of Essex.

At one time he would discourse like a seer, on the slightest instigation, by the hour together; and next, he would hold forth with equal solemnity, on the pettiest matter of domestic economy.

he was free from those enchantments and all their vile instigations.

9 adjectives to describe  instigation