7 adjectives to describe interdependence

The Book of Thel allegorically showed the mutual interdependence of all creation, and reprehended the maiden shyness that shrinks from merging its life in the sacrificial union which sustains the whole.

His main contention concerns wars between great Powers, nearly equally matchedPowers of high civilisation, with elaborate systems of credit and complicated interdependence of trade.

Mr. Kegan Paul finds that she also resembled Dante and Cardinal Newman, and that these four were of the same spiritual family, with a curious interdependence of likeness.

So to grasp the total process of redistribution of matter and motion as to see simultaneously its several necessary results in their actual interdependence is scarcely possible.

It may be well, also, that the doctrine of Social Fate should be preached until all are made to see that Society is a fact,that it is generative,that personal development cannot go on but by its mediation,that the chain of spiritual interdependence cannot be broken, and that in proportion as it is weakened every bosom becomes barren.

They present a series of events, more or less closely intertwined or interlinked with one another, but not built up into any symmetrical interdependence.

As the marvellous interdependence of all natural objects and forces unfolds itself more and more, so the once separate sciences, which treated of different classes of natural objects, are forced to interpenetrate, as it were; and to supplement themselves by knowledge borrowed from each other.

7 adjectives to describe  interdependence