6 adjectives to describe intermediary

Within such lines our axioms might hold, causes might cause their effect's effects, etc.; but such lines themselves would, if found, only be partial members of a vast natural network, within the other lines of which you could not say, in any sense that a wise man or a sane man would ever think of, in any sense that would not be concretely silly, that the principle of skipt intermediaries still held good.

"I have heard it suggested," he said slowly, "that you have been a useful intermediary in carrying messages of the utmost importance between the Kaiser and the Emperor of Austria.

These female intermediaries are called kyz-görüdschü or "girl-seers."

m., middle, means, way, midst, medium, intermediary; de á , completely; en de, in the midst of; between; por en de, through the midst of; through. medir, to measure; to compare; -se con los ojos, to scan each other.

Deprived of this sensible and well-disposed intermediary, the Genevese stiffness and the Provencal ardor were not likely to hit it off.

The page of black and white is the sole intermediary between the creative and the perceptive brain.

6 adjectives to describe  intermediary