8 adjectives to describe interplay

That is the people, a mere varied aggregation of persons, moved by no common motive, a complex interplay.

This constant interplay of the one life between teacher and students will draw them ever nearer to each other.

The style of his work is clearly modelled on that of Sterne, but the ideas, which he pours out with a delightful interplay of wit and fancy, are marked with the stamp of a fine, original mind.

When Ralph, the year after his marriage, had renounced his profession to go into partnership with a firm of real-estate agents, he had come in contact for the first time with the drama of "business," and whenever he could turn his attention from his own tasks he found a certain interest in watching the fierce interplay of its forces.

He was standing in the passage under the feeble gas-lamp, and his face was a grotesque interplay of shadows.

A cloudy multitude of atoms, an infinite interplay of little cells.

And it is the ear and tongue that are the channels of the cheerful interplay of mind with mind.

The courtroom was comparatively quiet, the silence broken only by the droning voice of the clerk and the lazy interplay of question and answer between talesman and lawyer.

8 adjectives to describe  interplay