4 adjectives to describe interstices

We have all our antinomies, our blind alleys, our crudities; and we have all to fill up awkward interstices with assumptions and postulates.

And here I must have leave, in the fulness of my soul, to regret the abolition, and doing-away-with altogether, of those consolatory interstices, and sprinklings of freedom, through the four seasons,the red-letter days, now become, to all intents and purposes, dead-letter days.

The middle interstice, which they make, is on the one part from the evil not of the false, and from the false not of the evil, and on the other part from good not of truth, and from truth not of good: which two may indeed touch each other, but still they do not unite.

A pretty dwarf perennial, suitable for moist interstices of rock-work.

4 adjectives to describe  interstices