9 adjectives to describe inwards

The leaves are conduplicate, as in Magnolia, and have the blade bent inwards on the petiole (inflexed).

The primary and secondary feathers are wood-brown, margined inwards with white.

The stirrup now performs a to-and-fro movement at the oval window, passing the auditory impulse inwards to the internal ear.

The primary and secondary feathers are wood-brown, margined inwards with white.

The players and these groundlings were exposed to the weather; those that paid for seats were in galleries sheltered by a narrow porch-roof projecting inwards from the encircling walls; while the young nobles and gallants, who came to be seen and who could afford the extra fee, took seats on the stage itself, and smoked and chaffed the actors and threw nuts at the groundlings.

From that position he will be able to detect the lowness of the quarters, and the projecting portion of the shoe, that the hoof, by reason of its sudden bending inwards, does not touch.

The horns, unlike the character of the order generally, have a quadrangular base, and, sweeping inwards, terminate in a sharp point.

The stirrup now performs a to-and-fro movement at the oval window, passing the auditory impulse inwards to the internal ear.

You mean it?" "I'm serious as lead in yore inwards.

9 adjectives to describe  inwards