5 adjectives to describe irreligion

And he had promised her that some time in the future she should come and live with him, and sez she, with her characterestic irreligion, "If I had my choice to live with him or in heaven I wouldn't look at heaven."

I am inclined to believe irreligion equally pernicious with gin and tea, and, therefore, think it not unseasonable to mention, that, when, a few months ago, I wandered through the hospital, I found not a child that seemed to have heard of his creed, or the commandments.

Their sombre religion has passed into a sombre irreligion.

It is a complaint often made by religious historians, that no church can sustain its spirituality unimpaired through two generations, and that in the third a total irreligion is apt to supervene.

Superstition, deadly superstition, may co-exist with much learning, with high civilization, with any religion, or with utter irreligion.

5 adjectives to describe  irreligion