17 adjectives to describe jabbering

The contentment and peace of many young minds have been utterly lost, sold for the absurd jabbering of old, ignorant, low-bred women, who pretend to read the future.

Immediately afterward, I heard his barks increase in depth and number, and in between there sounded a noise of confused jabbering.

With two exceptions, they were a wild and senseless, though good-natured set, and in spite of sea-sickness, which exercised them terribly for the first two days, kept up a constant jabber in their bastard Arabic from morning till night.

There has been a constant jabbering and laughing between our fellows and those others.

With endless jabbering and dancing, the whole tribe gathered round the precious flour-bag with all the pannikins, gourds, and other hollow articles it could muster, each of course with a due quantity of water from the creek therein, and the chief began dealing out the flour by handfuls, beginning of course with the boldest warriors.

"There's old Quito sitting up now and commencing his everlasting jabbering with the others.

But a tumult drowned his voice, a busy clamor, an exultant jabber of tongues, a rising, a shuffling, a moving about.

On the second day Garcia came to himself for a few minutes, and struggled hard to say something to his nephew, but could give forth only a feeble jabber, after which he turned blank again.

The coolies, too, had quite got over their homesickness, and were extraordinarily cheerful, their incessant jabber falling as a lullaby on our ears as we dropped off to sleep.

Hold thou my burden, fool, whilst I undo my halberd!" From the kneeling eunuch came a shriek and moan and incoherent jabbering.

Hold thou my burden, fool, whilst I undo my halberd!" From the kneeling eunuch came a shriek and moan and incoherent jabbering.

Thurstane, to be sure, was in the next room and in sight; but he had with him the chief, two other leading Moquis, and his chance Navajo interpreter; they were making a map of the San Juan country by scratching with an arrow-point on the clay floor; everybody was interested in the matter, and there was a pretty smart jabbering.

Did you understand the matter in dispute between the two Italians, brave Etooelle?" "I heerd their Eye-talian jabber," answered Ithuel; "but supposed it was all about saints' days and eating fish.

Even the tedious, rapid, and mixed-up jabbering of the priest is relieved at short intervals by the varied and beautifully modulated "Gospodi pameelui"

When they are captured alive, one finds, with surprise, that their uncouth jabbering sounds like articulate language; they turn up a human face to gaze upon their captor; the females show instincts of modesty; and, in fine, these wretched beings are Men.

Now and then the Indians spoke to one another in a vehement jabber, which, however, had no tone that expressed other than pleasant excitement.

"I can prove to you quite readily that" "You are a ninnyI have no doubt of itif I would listen to your wretched jabber!

17 adjectives to describe  jabbering