88 adjectives to describe jerks

"Look sharp!" cried "Rats," giving Bibbs's elbow a sudden jerk which caused that worthy to plaster the end of his nose with the remains of his third ice.

Beaumaroy gave the slightest little jerk of his head, and the old man added quickly, "I am sure of myself, quite sure.

he exclaimed, starting back as it gave a very violent jerk.

Beaumaroy gave the slightest little jerk of his head, and the old man added quickly, "I am sure of myself, quite sure.

Pull your gun!" That last came out with a snap, and the revolver of Quade flicked out of its holster with a convulsive jerk of the big man's wrist.

"Are you Mrs. Oldbury?" She gave a kind of spasmodic jerk, that may have been intended for a curtsey.

Heedless of everything but his dread intention, he rapidly ties the rope about his throat, and is in the act of throwing forward his whole weight upon it, when there is a sharp jerk of the rope, he is drawn up about three feet in the air, and, before he can collect his thoughts, is as abruptly let down upon his feet again.

Sometimes he looked back over his shoulder with a sudden nervous jerk; but he was the only moving thing in the white streets, except when the wind swooped round a corner and threw up the snow, which was beginning to freeze, in spouts of glittering dust.

The buzzer goes on and on in impatient jerks which mount in anger.

He twisted the lines around his hands, and the minute she began to bolt, he gave a tremendous jerk, that pulled her back upon her haunches, and shouted, 'Whoa!'

He looked at her with his sinister smile and a little upward jerk of the head.

But when Patty called up the ice company she found that their office was closed for the day, and, hanging up the receiver with an angry little jerk, she turned to find her father smiling at her.

The tail thus becomes a strong oar, driving him backwards with rapid jerks.

First one would take it with an emphatic jerk, and then the other.

"Take a look, Rod!" With his breath coming in little uneasy jerks Rod approached the black aperture.

Then by God I'll give you some reason" With a swift jerk I flung open the door and stepped in over the threshold.

His voice came with a stiff jerk, as if it choked him.

Now they were out in the open country hurrying past the wonderful bright-colored plains, past fields of pink and purple, blue and green and yellow, white and scarlet, faster and faster all the time, the horses rushing along with such curious irregular jerks and bounds that it was almost impossible for the children to keep their seats, and they expected at each moment to be dumped in the middle of the road.

We went aloft in a series of disagreeable and upsetting jerks.

And painters at work on it too," she exclaimed, just as Michael added a vigorous jerk of the reins to the "Whoa!" with which he stopped his nag in front of an open gate.

" "But the music?" "There was a Russian girl who used to dance in the cabaret and she" Terry's head came up with a characteristic little jerk.

Then trembling again, and collecting all its powers, it thrusts open, with an indignant jerk, the rough calyx-leaves, and the beautiful disrobing begins.

"Can you take her out while I have a squint at the damage?" Tommy's answer was to thrust in the clutch of the engine, and with an abrupt jerk we started off down the creek.

"Ha, so ye do know, masterwho hath discovered it?" "Where is she, Roger?" "Lord," quoth Roger, giving a sudden sideways jerk of his head, "how should Roger tell thee this?"

And then Pauncefort bade her ladyship good night in a huff, catching up her candle with a rather impertinent jerk, and gently slamming the door, as if she had meant to close it quietly, only it had escaped out of her fingers.

88 adjectives to describe  jerks