12 adjectives to describe jig

For no apparent reason, he fell headlong from his heights and burst into a merry little jig that set Gracie

Even Patsey, whom I had scarcely noticed since he joined the train, was tossing his well-worn cap in the air, catching it upon the toe of a toeless boot, while executing a lively Irish jig, and exclaiming every time he drew a long breath, "Whoo-o-o-op!

For no apparent reason, he fell headlong from his heights and burst into a merry little jig that set Gracie

Every nerve in my body seems to be dancing an independent jig on its own account.

The red person must have tumbled to William as well, for he increased the revolutions to one hundred and forty per minute and broke into a shrill lullaby of his own impromptu composition: "Go to sleep, Mummy's liddle Did-ums; Go to sleep, Daddy's liddle Thing-ma-jig.

When thou walk[st], The country lasses, crownd with gorgeous flo[w]res, Shall fill each path and dance their rural jigs In honour of this bewty.

They would shuffle their feet in a slow jig, hands in pockets.

Tom, Dick, and Harry's unmended hose persisted in dancing a spectral jig before her mental eye, mother's querulous complaints spoilt the song she hummed to cheer herself, and little May's wistful face put the goddess of beauty entirely out of countenance.

She drank several cocktails, and in her knee-length "stampedin' skirt" and her scarlet sweater she danced the most audacious jig even Maudie had ever presented to the Gold Nugget patrons.

In the court-yard a small space was cleared, and changing couples danced El Jarabe and La Jota,two stately jigs,whilst the spectators applauded with wild and impartial enthusiasm, and Don Guillermo from the corridor threw silver coins at the dancers' feet.

The appliances in connection with mining and metallurgy include a five-stamp battery, Blake crusher, automatic machine jigs, an engine pulverizer, a Root and a Sturtevant blower, with blast reverberating, wasting, cupellation, and fusion furnaces, and all other means for reducing ores.

Then she shook herself, and, hands on hips, danced a little defiant jig in her sabots as she went back to get the horse.

12 adjectives to describe  jig