9 adjectives to describe joists

Every massive joist half growing from dimness overhead was hung with ghostly shreds of cobweb; and on the grayish whiteness of the floor the children's naked soles cut out oblongs dotted with toe-marks.

The principal tomb had a portico, supported by columns, but the front is now entirely hurled down, and only the elegant panelling and stone joists of the ceiling remain.

It is a poor, squat little house, heavily supported upon thick walls; the knotty joists of the ceiling retain their bark.

Stephen kept hammering and prying, and Ruth held on to all he gained, until they slipped the wedge along gradually, to where the board was nailed again, to the middle joist or stringer.

Naked joists and rafters of black wood support the ceiling.

This part of the arrangement completed, I ate a hearty breakfast, when I began to secure the hatches, as a sort of floor, on my primitive joists.

Unceiled joists showed heavy and brown overhead.

But he soon discovered that the garret-window was also a post of observation for Veronica, for to their mutual embarrassment, they caught one another climbing cautiously up the wooden stair-case, or slipping under the dusty joists.

A blue flame, the size of a beach ball, was bouncing under the wooden ceiling joists.

9 adjectives to describe  joists