19 adjectives to describe junk

"Oh, say, are you here with any extra junk?

By the aid of a small pocket-telescope, I could see, as the nearest junk approached, that her deck was crowded with men; I then had no longer any doubts regarding her intentions.

The clumsy junks that appeared to have come down from the days of Confucius, were languid on the gentle ripples.

I've seen it often enough when old Forsman had it filled with colonial junk, and served the best meals to be found on Long Island.

By the flickering light of a candle I was conducted to a dusty attic furnished with ferruginous junk in one corner and a dilapidated bed in another.

By all means, get hold of an oriental kid of some kindoriental junk is quite the rage this year.

The Russian Plenipotentiary, with his own small vesseldragging behind him, however, a junk well laden with coals and provisionssailed the day before me.

Wilbur, after losing a little junk, gives the wise guys the office that he's jerry to the fact that they are playing with newspaper, and lets them know that if he ain't in on the frame-up he'll belch.

In 1856 a native junk named the "Arrow," sailing under a British flag, was seized for piracy, her flag hauled down and her crew thrown into prison at Canton.

At the point on the river bank where the boat lay moored, there was already another official junk, before the cabin of which stood a middle-aged matron and a charming girl, surrounded by several women slaves.

The Ladrones did not return a single shot, but waved their colors, and threw up rockets, to induce them to come further in, which they might easily have done, the outside junks lying in four fathoms water, which I sounded myself: though the Portuguese in their letters to Macao lamented there was not sufficient water for them to engage closer, but that they would certainly prevent their escaping before the Mandarin fleet arrived!

The two other piratical junks which had been following in our wake for some time, when they saw what had happened, would not venture any nearer; and at last, much to my satisfaction, the whole set of them bore away.

"It is said that one ball from a Mandarin junk did strike a rebel junk, but did not hurt any one.

She came across oddities of this sort in her Russian and Italian neighborhoods, but until now she had not taken very much interest in what she was inclined to term "sublimated junk.

The house overflowed with worthless and unbeautiful junk.

Why, within a year, or two at the very most, with careful frugality, he might return and buy himself a junk worthy of his Dragon dreams of the river.

Immediately before us a bold junk, its single large sail set, and scudding before the breeze.

My mind, too, is a good deal relieved to-day by seeing the wretched junks, which have been shut up so long by the blockade, with their sails set, gliding down the river.

" "Then what is this clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caliginous junk babbling about?"

19 adjectives to describe  junk