7 adjectives to describe kiln

The forestry scientists and lumbermen have now improved the use of dry kilns and artificial systems of curing green lumber.

This applies mostly to the best types of conical kilns.

At present the artificial kiln performs this job in from twenty to forty days.

Furthermore it is difficult to think of any other Roman in private life who attained to such fame that six marble replicas of his portrait should have survived the omnivorous lime-kilns of the dark ages.

The rectangular kilns were those which were formerly exclusively in use.

The charcoal burners up in the Kil mountains hardly dared take a cat-nap, for as soon as she saw an unwatched kiln, she stole up and blew on it until it began to burn in a great flame.

I observed a man near a neighboring brick-kiln, who seemed to be watching them.

7 adjectives to describe  kiln