1053 adjectives to describe kind

An extraordinary large number of clergymen, a peculiar kind of provincial, and strange Londoners, almost impossible to place, in surprising clothes.

Finally, to top my valor, I have bought sheet music of the lighter kind and have pronounced the softest titles so that all could hear.

There are other less hardy kinds, including C. floribundus, C. integerrimus, C. velutinus, and C. divaricatus.

But diction of a kind only measurably inferior to this is possible to us if we are in earnest.

From no other substance, solid or fluid, can so great a number of distinct kinds of aliment be prepared as from milk; some forming food, others drink; some of them delicious, and deserving the name of luxuries; all of them wholesome, and some medicinal: indeed, the variety of aliments that seems capable of being produced from milk, appears to be quite endless.

Piracy there had been, but of a queer kind, for not a farthing's worth had been touched except my packet of gold.

Every bird of the rarer kinds that is killed, such as humming birds, orioles and kingfishers, means the death of several othersthat is, the young that starve to death, the wounded that fly away to die, and those whose plumage is so torn that it is not fit to put in a fine lady's bonnet.

They are only a better kind of camp, gladly abandoned whenever the hoped-for gold harvest has been gathered.

The Spanish nuts imported are a superior kind, but they are somewhat oily and rather indigestible.

If it were not for this, the buffalo would, notwithstanding his slow pace, be most effective in agricultural operations; he requires little food, and that of the coarsest kind; his strength surpasses that of the stoutest ox, and he is admirably adapted for the rice or paddy fields.

Thus Mr. BUMSTEAD, as he releases the excited lad, and turns from the pauper burial-ground for a curious kind of pitching and running walk homeward.

Feisul writes the purest kind of Arabic, and this isn't that sort of Arabic.

"And dost thou in sooth catch them by dropping salt on their pretty tails?" "Yea," quoth Robin, "but this salt is of an odd kind, let me tell thee, for it can only be gotten by boiling down a quart of moonbeams in a wooden platter, and then one hath but a pinch.

The masculine gender is that which denotes persons or animals of the male kind; as, man, father, king.

You seen how only clerking in them was nearly your ruinationthe little gambling-room-in-the-back kind that you pick out.

The want of taste and genius, with all the pleasures that arise from them, are commonly recompensed by a more useful kind of common sense, together with a wonderful delight, as well as success, in the busy pursuits of a scrambling world.

He says: "The London chicken-butchers, as they are termed, are said to be, of all others, the most expeditious and dexterous feeders, putting up a coop of fowls, and making them thoroughly fat within the space of a fortnight, using much grease, and that perhaps not of the most delicate kind, in the food.

Immediately within this arcade were arranged the finer kinds of merchandise, fabrics of cotton or silk, and articles of jewelry, cutlery, porcelain, and glass.

I have a funny kind of feeling that the right address is Hamilton House.'

The things which engage our attentionwhether they are matters of business or ordinary eventsare of such diverse kinds, that, if taken quite separately and in no fixed order or relation, they present a medley of the most glaring contrasts, with nothing in common, except that they one and all affect us in particular.

It passed above the house, with an extraordinary sailing kind of motion.

"God has been wondrous kind to me," she said, "but there is a cure for all sorrow, dear friend, in his love.

A good many of the so-called bee-ranches of Los Angeles and San Diego counties are still of the rudest pioneer kind imaginable.

The principal kinds thereof I observe to be these: 1.

" I am a tainted wether of the flock, Meetest for death; the weakest kind of fruit Drops earliest to the ground, and so let me.

1053 adjectives to describe  kind