109 adjectives to describe knave

that mine eyes ever beheld, next to that false knave, Robin Hood, from whose wiles Heaven forfend me!

"Would ye crowd so on my pleasure, ye unmannerly knaves?

Much less money than had been expectedno signs of money having been spent and here, not the cunning knave whom she had expected, but a garrulous open fool, giving away what was perhaps a golden secret!

How now, my little knave?

A crafty knave was never so beguil'd.

But as the ravens which in Arabia live, Haveinge flowne all the feylde of spyces ore, Seaze on a stynkinge carkasse, so doe you Swiftlye leape over a most plentyous vale Of good examples which grace Ganelon And fasten on the scandall which was formd By a lewde treacherous knave to gett rewarde.

The trusty knaves.

Of those Yorkshire yeomen, one is too tall and the other too short for that bold knave.

Ragged knaves they seemed, and in woeful plightthe one a lank fellow and saturnine, with long, down-trending, hungry nose; the other a little man, plump and buxom, whose round eyes blinked woefully in his round and rosy face as he bent 'neath Roger's heavy hand.

"I sent a warrant to him with thine own royal seal attached, by a right lusty knave, but he beat the messenger and stole the warrant.

X "I CAN HELP YOU" A subtle knave; a finder out of occasions; That has an eye can stamp and counterfeit Advantages though true advantage never presents Itself; A devilish knave!

as Lycinus in [5709]Lucian told Timolaus, for an old bald crook-nosed knave to marry a young wench; how odious a thing it is to see an old lecher!

The emperor knew of no one else that suited him so entirely, and at the same time he was well aware that the man would be a thorough knave; yet the story obtains that he was glad to give him the empire in order that his own crimes might find concealment in the enormity of Gaius's offences and that the largest and the noblest portion of what was left of the senate might perish after him.

where's that lazy knave?

In garrison, we always looked upon Nick as a clever knave, and treated him accordingly.

A gang of petty knaves attend 'em, With proper parts to recommend 'em.

Know you not, idle knave, of the suppression of this nest of superstition, and that the abbey lands and possessions were granted in August last to Master Robert Collan, by our Lady Elizabeth, sovereign queen of England, and paragon of all beauty, whom God preserve!" "Queen of England," said Cuddy; "there never was a sovereign queen of England; this is but a piece with the rest.

[5049]Lucian's Lycia was a proper young maid, and had many fine gentlemen to her suitors; Ethecles, a senator's son, Melissus, a merchant, &c.; but she forsook them all for one Passius, a base, hirsute, bald-pated knave; but why was it?

I am but a plain knave.

"Now out upon thee for a mad knave!" quoth Walkyn.

The case of the crumpled knave.

Now Beltane smiled upon this red-haired knave and, smiling, drew a slow pace nearer, the great axe a-swing in his mailed hand.

These Taylors are the wittyest knaves that live by bread.

Once when I had a quarrel with one of my lady Veritas' naked knaves, and had 'ppointed him the field, I conveyed into the heart of my buckler an adamant, and when we met, I drew all the foins of his rapier, whithersoever he intended them, or howsoever I guided mine arm, pointed still to the midst of my buckler, so that by this means I hurt the knave mortally, and myself came away untouched, to the wonder of all the beholders.

He is the most amusing knave on the coast.

109 adjectives to describe  knave