33 adjectives to describe landlady

It was kept by a fat landlady, who made us an olla of kid and garlic, which, with some coarse bread and the red Malaga wine, soon took off the sharp edge of our mountain appetites.

The plump landlady looked kindly after the young gentleman as he passed through the inn-hall from his post-chaise, and the obsequious chamberlain bowed him upstairs to the "Rose" or the "Dolphin."

I hate with my whole soul this London lodging, and all that concerns itEmma, and eggs and bacon, the fat lascivious landlady and her lascivious daughter; I am sick of the sentimental actress who lives upstairs, I swear I will never go out to talk to her on the landing again.

And with this the indignant little landlady sailed out of the room.

She soon explained the mystery; this lady, who seemed more bewitching every moment that we gazed on her, was the daughter of a 'squire in whose family our worthy landlady had been nurse.

Freddy felt himself once more a real and important human being with a place in the sun, not just a child to be shushed by a dingy landlady while his mother was out looking for a job.

The absence of furniture predicates a dangerous want of capital to the discreet landlady.

She could not dismiss a vision of a boarding-house in London upset from top to bottom by the grave illness of one person in it, and a distracted landlady who had not a moment even to scribble a post card.

(So good a housewife was this eccentric landlady, that a cookery-book has been published bearing her name; the authoress is Mrs. Johnstone, a Scotchwoman.) DODSON, a young farmer, called upon by Death on his wedding day.

The tall, quizzical, rather grim old landlady of the neat little Hotel de la Garecharacteristic of that rugged France which tourists who only see a few streets in Paris know little aboutwas plainly puzzled.

When he had made the acquaintance of the kind-hearted landlady, he found her willing to let him remain, even after he had told her of his destitute condition; and she promised that every effort should be made to restore to him his hard earnings.

And with this the indignant little landlady sailed out of the room.

The remembrance of him haunts us all,almost as his ghost haunts his kind landlady.

On his way out he found an anxious landlady upon his path.

" As an inspiration, there came to her the thought of the little bottle that the good-natured landlady of "Les Trois Frères" had given her.

As our pale, melancholy-looking landlady and her fat baby were evidently the only specimens of the feminine gender about the establishment, it was hardly reasonable to suppose that any of the other cabins contained wherewithal to furnish us a comfortable lodging, and the one in which we were offered nothing of the sort to view, but two beds, uncurtained, extended against the farther wall.

It was nearly sunset when we reached Pellago, and the wet walk and coarse fare we were obliged to take on the road, well qualified us to enjoy the excellent supper the pleasant landlady gave us.

We pay for them, with attendance, thirty florinsabout twelve dollarsa month, and Frau Dr. Grosch, our polite and talkative landlady, gives us a student's breakfastcoffee and biscuitfor about seven cents apiece.

Not many years ago, with all of them; not many months ago, with some; those brilliant and titled coxcombs were adventurers like yourself, having barely a Jacobus in their purses, and scarce credit for board and lodging with their respective landladies.

" The salacious landlady in Mrs. Lennox's Henrietta tries to discourage the heroine from reading Joseph Andrews by recommending Mrs. Haywood's works, "... 'there is Mrs. Haywood's Novels, did you ever read them?

In short, such is the waywardness of our feelings, and so difficult is it to be always sorrowful as well as always happy, that the well-satisfied landlady, who had, in truth, received the full value of a very indifferent fare, was ready to affirm, as she curtsied her thanks on the dirty threshold, that a merrier party had never left her door.

But the woman's words had given him his cue, and when later in the day a certain old Jew peddler went his rounds through this portion of the city, a disreputable-looking fellow accompanied him, whom even the sharp landlady in Cuthbert Road would have failed to recognise as the same man who had occupied the snuggery the night before.

Unwilling to be imposed upon, I remonstrated; and we split the difference with our "smart" landlady.

Of all the nice-mannered, soft-spoken landladies I've ever seen, she was the best, and on'y to 'ear the way she answered her 'usband when he spoke to 'er was a pleasure to every married man in the bar.

Nay, the devil take thee, sweet landlady, hold thy tongue: Was't not enough thou hast scolded me from my lodging, which, as long as I rent it, is my castle; but to follow me here to Mr Trice's, where I am invited; and to discredit me before strangers, for a lousy, paltry sum of money? Fran.

33 adjectives to describe  landlady