218 adjectives to describe lawyer

But the next year his excellent successor arrived in the person of William Osgoode, the new chief justice, an eminent English lawyer who had served for two years as chief justice of Upper Canada and whose name is commemorated in Osgoode Hall, Toronto.

We had just been made witness to one triumph on the part of this able lawyer in a quarter deemed unassailable by the prosecution.

"It was made in the presence of Mr. Lester and of another distinguished lawyer whose name I am not at liberty to reveal.

It is private ties of this kind, invisible to the constitutional lawyer and the political historian, which make the fine meshes of the web of Empire.

exclaimed the fourth boy, he who had been called by the queer name of "Bluff" by one of his comrades; possibly because, being the only son of a prominent lawyer, Dick Masters may have been addicted to the habit of putting up a bold face even when his heart was weak.

Not only would he suppress the elder Cabot, but he covers the well-meaning Hakluyt with opprobrium and undermines his character by insinuations, much as a criminal lawyer might be supposed to do to an adverse witness in a jury trial.

The prairie dog lawyer.

It was he, of course, who insisted on it, but I can see a clever lawyer using that against me too.

My little lawyer's got a factory where he manufactures them.

For the shrewd old lawyer had an artist's hand with which he played upon the keyboard of the jury and knew just when to pull out the stops of the vox humana of pathos and the grand diapason of indignation and defiance.

He had enjoyed exceptional opportunities, and enjoyed the distinction of being the first, and for a long time the only colored lawyer in North Carolina.

"Are you aa Broadway Don Juan, or are you a respectable lawyer with a glimmering sense of common decency and an intention to keep a social engagement at the Carringtons' to-day?"

I myself have a slave as quick to see distinctions as I am, and who would have made a better lawyer if he had had the same advantages.

Sir William Forbes said, he thought an honest lawyer should never undertake a cause which he was satisfied was not a just one. 'Sir, (said Mr. Johnson,) a lawyer has no business with the justice or injustice of the cause which he undertakes, unless his client asks his opinion, and then he is bound to give it honestly.

There couldn't have been more than one, as the celebrated lawyer Señor Pasta who was there on a visit declaredeither an enemy of Don Timoteo's or a rival of Juanito's.

Authors of renewable matter: Lawyers Co-operative Pub, Co. & West Pub.

Experience, however, has told us that the profoundest lawyers are not always the best administrators of the criminal law.

At the end of a year he renewed his practice in the courts at Rome,being hardly anything more than a mere lawyer for five years, when he was elected an Aedile, to whom the care of the public buildings was intrusted.

It was he who set the native lawyer unceremoniously aside and urged competent representation in London.

They were both attached in early youth to the Scaevola just mentioned, the first of the great series of scientific Roman lawyers.

When other men despaired, he entertained hopes; and thus it happened that he would often undertake cases that had been rejected contemptuously by experienced lawyers, and, what is more, would bring them to a successful issue.

Dan pleaded with the eloquence of an old-fashioned lawyer.

He had come there with a carefully concocted lie on his tongue to swindle the sharpest lawyer in Scranton out of enough money to fill an empty purse.

His mind drifted pleasantly into the purple hills and valleys of the future, and in a delightfully vague way plans began to form for future campaigns, where a brilliant young lawyer became at once the delight of his friends and the despair of his enemies, by his scathing sarcasm, his quick repartee, and still more by his piercing and inescapable logic.

He says if you git a good smart lawyer you can find out 'most anything.

218 adjectives to describe  lawyer