95 adjectives to describe leisure

Why he never read in's life; knows neither Longitude nor Latitude, and Constantinople may be in the midst of Spain for any thing he knows; besides, his Fear will give him little leisure for thinking. Ant.

Ten years had not produced a day of sufficient leisure in which to hang them: though Mrs. Willoughby frequently spoke of the necessity of doing so, in the course of the first summer.

After the six months of comparative seclusion which decency exacted of his widowerhoodand thereby afforded him ample leisure to complete and publish his Lichfield Legislative Papers prior to 1800the colonel, be it repeated, went everywhere; and people found him no whit the worse company for his black gloves and the somber band stitched to his coatsleeve.

And there was not a soldier who would not prefer to push on and suffer and finish the campaign than wait in elegant leisure with full rations to contemplate an endless war in the swamps of East Africa.

The surprise of his antagonists, who were in constant expectation of an attack on the capital, allowed him at least four weeks of undisturbed leisure for the execution of the unprecedentedly bold experiment of changing completely his military system in the heart of a hostile country and with an army still comparatively small, and of attempting to oppose African legions to the invincible legions of Italy.

It may amuse literary leisure to turn over his quarto volume, in which he has collected the works of several English alchymists, to which he has subjoined his commentary.

But the geniuses of the army have sufficient opportunities, by their free access to the levee and the toilet, their constant attendance on balls and assemblies, and that abundant leisure which they enjoy, beyond any other body of men, to acquaint themselves with every new word, and prevailing mode of expression, and to attain the utmost nicety, and most polished prettiness of language.

It means a great deal of work and responsibility, it means collecting funds and giving up one's scanty leisure, it means devoted service, but it has been done, and it has been kept up even during war time, though with great difficulty as to funds, because of the inestimable benefit to the children.

Game Preserves where they can do it in luxurious leisure; fox hunts with their pack of hunters and hounds in full cry after one poor defenceless fox, and battle-fields where they tear each other limb from limb with Gatling gun and shells; and yet we call ourselves honorable gentlemen, and talk of the delights of the chase and the glories of war!

When he reached the high school period, however, most of his intimates rarely called him by his full name, having, like all high school people, no time for long names, though possessed of infinite leisure for long dreams.

I must relinquish my little romance,I had not time for it; I had occupation enough for the scant leisure my family duties'and he laid stress on the words'left me in the duties of my post.

His father accordingly provided sufficient funds for maintaining him for over five years at Horton in a life of studious leisure.

You would not exchange your dignified leisure, your careless toils, for the best of sovereignties.

(With the author's Universalized leisure with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) © 22Apr43; AA431843.

The roaring camp-fire, with rude humor, painted The ruddy tints of health, On haggard face, and form that drooped and fainted In the fierce race for wealth; Till one arose, and from his pack's scant treasure A hoarded volume drew, And cards were dropped from hands of listless leisure, To hear the tale anew; And then, while round them shadows gathered faster,

The infantry of the line have their periodical rests, a month it may be, of comparative leisure before the enemy trenches.

If it saved him from a certain amount of brutality, if it gave him more uninterrupted leisure, it probably did not in the slightest degree modify the hardships of his existence, and may have caused him some little anxiety as to the means of procuring the necessaries of life.

The tale is told by venerable Bede, Which, at your better leisure, you may read.

Dr. Johnson, one of the most effective talkers in all history, resolved early in life that, always, and whatever topic might be broached, he would on the moment express his thoughts and feelings with as much vigor and felicity as if he had unlimited leisure to draw on.

And we, we placed the hair, And drew the head erect; And then an awful leisure was, Our faith to regulate.

Retired Leisure That in trim gardens takes his pleasure.

It was equally a part of Honoré Grandissime's nature and of his art as a merchant to wear a look of serene leisure.

My purpose was, if you could spare so much From your sweet leisure, a few words in private.

The peace of Breslau gives him a temporary leisure, and he takes the waters of Aachen, and discusses philosophy.

Potsdam had us marked as a nation of easy going money getters, to be bled white, crammed with her muddy kultur and taught the goose-step, at her imperial leisure, after France and England had fallen to her guns.

95 adjectives to describe  leisure