11 adjectives to describe lettuces

The tender, juicy chicken, the delicate pink ham, the muffins browned to a turn, the Jersey butter moulded into a sheaf of wheat, and moist brown bread of Aunt Marthe's own making, the blocks of golden sponge cake, the crisp lettuce, the fragrant strawberries, the cool jelly frosted with snow.

If not, you must be told that it consists of layers and layers of thin slices of bread all pressed down together, with ground nuts or dressed lettuce in between.

Potts, enthroned upon a big box in front, among bolts of muslin, straw hats, and bunches of innocent early lettuce, read the splendid tribute of the store's proprietor to his capacity as an expert in jurisprudence and his fitness for a seat of judicial honor.

Put these into a salad-bowl or dish; pour over either of the sauces No. 506, 507, or 508, and garnish the dish with a little lettuce finely chopped, blanched endive, or a few tufts of boiled cauliflower.

This salad or plain lettuce may be varied by adding almost any tender young vegetable, shred fine.

LETTUCE WITH RUSSIAN DRESSING Use California lettuce if obtainable.

INGREDIENTS.1/2 a pint of green peas, if in season, a little chervil, 2 shredded lettuces, 2 onions, a very small bunch of parsley, 2 oz. of butter, the yolks of 3 eggs, 1 pint of water, seasoning to taste, 2 quarts of stock No. 105.

Her head adorned with a long plume of Coralline, she is tearing ribbon-like shreds from the silky lettuce and hanging them upon her already fantastic person.

Her merchandise, which consisted of half a dozen pots of pink and white primulas, a few spotted or crimson cyclamen, sundry lettuce and cauliflower plants, and some roots of pansies and daisies, was grouped around her.

WATER-LILY SALAD Boil twenty minutes, one egg for each lily; remove shell and while still warm cut with silver knife in strips from small end nearly to base; very carefully lay back the petals on a heart of bleached lettuce; remove yolks and rub them with spoon of butter, vinegar, a little mustard, salt and paprika; form cone-shaped balls, and put on petals, sprinkling bits of parsley over balls.

Have ready a cupful each of carrots and turnips in tiny dicethe smaller ends of the carrots being in thin slicesa cauliflower in very small sprigs, one or two crisp, tender lettuces finely shred, cupful green peas, some French beans trimmed and cut small, a dozen or so of spring onions, 2 tablespoonfuls each of lentils and rice, and any other seasonable vegetable that is to be had.

11 adjectives to describe  lettuces