8 adjectives to describe leverages

Some horses have been accustomed to be driven on the check, and the curb irritates them; others, with harder mouths, cannot be controlled with the slight leverage this affords; he must, therefore, accommodate the horses as he best can.

Crank, description of, unequal leverage of, corrected by fly wheel; no power lost by; action of; strength proper for.

Most of us feel this unreflectingly; for the affectation of undervaluing everything native, and being too fine for one's own country, belongs only to a few minds of no dangerous leverage.

But it will be seen that the circumferential velocity is greater with the same expenditure of steam when the crank pin approaches the top and bottom centres; and this increased velocity exactly compensates for the diminished leverage, so that there is the same power given out by the crank in each of the divisions.

The spears of the Port Essington natives may be divided into two classesfirst, those thrown with the hand alone, and second, those propelled by the additional powerful leverage afforded by the throwing-stick.

" "H-m!" rejoined the practical Leverage.

It has an infinite leverage.

The cement crumbled and gave; the heavy gold band commenced to bend; Rennes got his crowbar into an advantageous leverage and gave a mighty heave.

8 adjectives to describe  leverages