8 adjectives to describe licks

He had done so, given a little straight talk of what lay ahead of them and what they were fighting for, bade them get in a few extra licks for him since he was out of it for good, done for, "crocked."

For puttin' in a downright lick 'twixt humbug's eyes, there's few can metch it.

Tully came and said to my mother, 'I know you ain't done nothin' nor your child neither, but I'll have to hit you a few light licks to satisfy ma.' "Blount come the next day and went down to where pa was making shoes.

I side steps, an' gits in a lucky lick below de heart.

Before he could speak she gave her lips a rapid lick and started again.

He strap em crosst de sharp side of a barrel an give em a few right smart licks wid a bull whip.

piece o' money he mek he tek an' put some debblemen' on de under side, an' one o' his pootiess lies on top; an' 'e gilt dat lie, and 'e rub dat lie on 'is elbow, an' 'e shine dat lie, an' 'e put 'is bess licks on dat lie; entel ev'ybody say: 'Oh, how pooty!'

" "No?" say I, bending down my head over Vick, and allowing her to have a better and more thorough lick at the bridge of my nose than she has ever enjoyed in her life before.

8 adjectives to describe  licks