189 adjectives to describe living

As a result of the conference three hundred thieves went abroad to Canada to begin life anew, or were put into the way of earning an honest living.

Thought is the power by which we make it available for our own better living, and the future life of the race.

It cannot be too strongly stated that food of a simple character, well cooked and neatly served, is more productive of healthful living than a great variety of fancy dishes which unduly stimulate the digestive organs, and create a craving for food in excess of the bodily needs.

"The younger son ... his substance with riotous living.

Such facts are important and of practical worth to young students only so far as to enable them to understand the relation of these facts to the great laws of health and to apply them to daily living.

Luxurious living, indolence, and tight-lacing often produce this affection: such cases are to be conquered with a little resolution.

The neglect of this principle gives us high living and plain thinking, instead of "high thinking and plain living;" and takes the bread out of the mouths of the poor.

It had seemed to Pearl a real source of proper pridethat her people had begun with nothing, and were now making a comfortable living, educating their children and making improvements each year in their way of living and in the farm itself!

" These were taken by many citizens as a sort of business gospel; any "theorist" who ventured to question the wisdom of bringing more people to town, whether the town's business could give them all a decent living or not, was told to sell his hammer and buy a horn.

"People seek after holy living instead of perfect loving, they do not realize that we can be truly holy only as we love, for 'love is the great reality of the spiritual world.'

No namby-pamby everyday living of dishes and dusting and meals and babies for me.

For several years after returning from Leyden he gained a precarious living by writing plays, farces, and buffoneries for the stage.

" "Mere outward living cannot save us, Louis.

But he wrote steadily for the booksellers and for the Gentleman's Magazine, and presently he became known in London and received enough work to earn a bare living.

But anti-vaccination is concerned with healthy living of which pure feeding is a part.

STOLZ, FERN B. The psychology of religious living.

Intelligent living.

5. Every family in Delafield has the right to a place that can be made into a home, at a cost that will permit of family self-respect, proper privacy, and the ordinary decencies of civilized living.

And then one looked farther, and saw the prince, like the princess, absorbed in the business at the auction block, his slack elegance of the raffish aristocrat forgotten, all his being tense with purpose, strung tautas taut at least as that soft body, only half-masculine in mould and enervated by loose living, could ever be.

Education for responsible living; the opportunity for liberal-arts colleges.

"Even as the king of birds that with unwearied wing soars nearest to the sun, yet wears upon his breast the softest down,"as we learn from no less eminent authority than that of the Lichfield Courier-Herald"so Mr. Charteris is equally expert in depicting the derring-do and tenderness of those glorious days of chivalry, of fair women and brave men, of gentle breeding, of splendid culture and wholesome living.

Winston, Inc. (PPW of J. L. Street); 6Dec61; R286252. KIRKPATRICK, ANNIS K. Mental hygiene for effective living.

Men, and even women, break bread together, and otherwise commingle, that, in different circumstances, would be strangers; the hardy adventures and rough living of the forest, apparently lowering the pretensions of the man of cultivation and mere mental resources, to something very near the level of those of the man of physical energy, and manual skill.

A Guide to confident living.

If so, instead of returning home, had I not better go to Paris, as it is cheaper living there even than in London, and there are great advantages there?

189 adjectives to describe  living