11 adjectives to describe lobsters

When the shell is incrusted, it is a sign they are old: medium-sized lobsters are the best.

HATCH, RICHARD W. The curious lobster.

Rub a little lobster spawn through a sieve, sprinkle it over the fish, and garnish with tufts of parsley and cut lemon.

Next day the seaweed was seen in much greater quantity, and a small live lobster was observed among the weeds; from this circumstance many affirmed that they were certainly near the land.

"Is mine?" "As red as a boiled lobster!"


The spiny lobster was leaping with agility over the peaks, by means of the hooks on its claws, its weapons of war and nutrition.

"He swept his gun only onceso," the Frenchman explained, waving his arm across the champagne and the broiled lobster, "and he caught a general and two staff- officers.

As for "Glorianna," when her son came running in with his errand, she exclaimed, "Dem lobsters?

Potted lobster may be used cold, or as fricassee with cream sauce.

Near them was the upturned kettle, and scattered all about them on the sand were lovely pieces of scarlet lobster and crab shells.

11 adjectives to describe  lobsters