17 adjectives to describe looke

Why dost thou looke so wildly? Pet.

Whenas you shine wee spred our selves abroad And take our glory from your influence; And when you hide your face or darken yt With th'least incounter of a clowdy looke, Wee close our eies as partners of your woes, Droopinge our heades as grasse downe waid with due.

Tis I am robd of a delicious looke, A heavenly sparkling brow, a starry eye, A countenance fayrer than Auroraes lookes When all the East is guilded with her blush.

Methinks this royall presence hath dim lookes.

Now by my soule I do suspect the men, Especially the lower of the two: See, what a hollow discontented looke He casts, which brings apparant cause of feare: The other, though he seeme more courteous, Yet dooth his lookes presadge this thought in me.

A] Thy honest lookes.

It was to much Wert but an ill looke.

For in those lofty lookes is close implide Scorn of base things, and sdeigne of foul dishonor; Thretning rash eies which gaze on her so wide, That loosely they ne dare to looke upon her.

Not so much did Dan Orpheus represse 180 The streames of Hebrus with his songs, I weene, As that faire troupe of woodie goddesses Staied thee, O Peneus, powring foorth to thee, From cheereful lookes, great mirth and gladsome glee.

Shee teacheth misery to court her beauty And to affliction lends a lovely looke.

O God, what may these moody lookes intend?

Your pensive lookes will kill them that survive If thus to Choller you give libertie.

My Lord, as I was sowing in my Chamber, [Sidenote: closset,] Lord Hamlet with his doublet all vnbrac'd, No hat vpon his head, his stockings foul'd, Vngartred, and downe giued to his Anckle, Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other, And with a looke so pitious in purport, As if he had been loosed out of hell, [Footnote 1: of far reaching mind.]

As for minor offenders "against our terrible Canons and Jurisdiction ... had I but given them a severe looke, I could ... have made them draw their purses ..."

Mas, here a comes: his downcast sullen looke, Is over-waigh'd with mightie discontent.

Why, alls confyrmd here underneathe hys hande; A dothe not blussh to write to me a hathe All honors that I challendge; good sweet, looke, [Eldegrad reads.

For with mild pleasance, which doth pride displace, She to her love doth lookers eyes allure; And with stern countenance back again doth chace Their looser lookes that stir up lustes impure.

17 adjectives to describe  looke