4 adjectives to describe loue

the constant truthe that liued within his brest; his hearty loue, not his unhappy case to fall to such as standen in your grace.

Such an Act That blurres the grace and blush of Modestie, Calls Vertue Hypocrite, takes off the Rose From the faire forehead of an innocent loue, And makes a blister there.

Gismond, that whilom liued her fathers ioy, and dyed his death, now dead doeth (as she may) by vs pray you to pitie her anoye; and, to reacquite the same, doeth humbly pray Joue shield yo'r vertuous loues from like decay.

Flowers of prime, pearles couched in gold, sonne of our day that gladdeneth the hart of them that shall yo'r shining beames behold, salue of eche sore, recure of euery smart, in whome vertue and beautie striueth soe that neither yeldes: loe here for you againe Gismondes vnlucky loue, her fault, her woe, and death at last, here fére and father slayen through her missehap.

4 adjectives to describe  loue