21 adjectives to describe lout

I play a partthe part of a lumbering, stupid lout, while my heart is breaking."

Chase cursed himself for a brainless lout.

Yet who shall say this creature fair In God's sight had a smaller worth Than that dull lout who watched it there, And in its death found cause for mirth?

But dey couln'd keep it secret, Ole missus found 'm out, An' she vow'd to sell dat nigga He was a thievin' lazy lout, He was a ruinin' Massa Willum;

And as to awkward squads, men that would have been the veriest louts and lubbers in the piping times of peace now learned to toe the mark, to whisk their eyes right and their eyes left, to drop the butts of their muskets without crushing their corns, and all the mysteries of flank and file,and so became full-fledged heroes before they knew it.

One of these, "Big Joe" Kestril, a genial lout of a section-hand, ostentatiously carried the bag and had an arm locked tenderly through one of the Colonel's.

It is no more than just to add that, if his admiration for Vergil was quite restrained, and his attraction for Ovid's lucid outpourings even more circumspect, there was no limit to his disgust at the elephantine graces of Horace, at the prattle of this hopeless lout who smirkingly utters the broad, crude jests of an old clown.

You blockhead, you ignorant lout! PODKHALYÚZIN.

Others came, blinking into the ruddy evening glow, craning their necks to see, and from the wretched tavern a lank lout stumbled forth, rifle shouldered, pewter a-slop, to learn the news that had brought us hither at that hour.

I tell yer, wherever I come across one of these great lanky louts strutting about in his red coat, as if he was one of the lords of the hearth, wellit makes my nose bleed, ahit does!

Cloten, a vindictive lout, son of the second wife of Cymbeline by a former husband.

Even Joshua was civil, and lesser louts of course obsequious; though the girls took more liberties, for they feel even at that early age, that influence is stronger than strength.

There were savages moving about the fireor I took them for savages, until one half-naked lout, lounging near, taunted me with a Scotch burr in his throat, and I saw, in his horribly painted face, a pair of flashing eyes fixed on me.

Grimes is a rough rustic lout, like Orson in the story-book.

Grimes is a rough rustic lout, like Orson in the story-book.

Bring him along then speedily And drink a glass of wine with me." The sooty lout with quick assent Laughed, picked me up, and off we went.

For such a Fouché a slighter clue would have sufficed to lead to the conviction of so besotted a traitor, than many an incautious hint of his, and many a tale-telling vaunt of his irresistible egotism, afforded her; for, like all the weak wretches of his sort, there was not a more bungling lout, to try the patience of a clever man, than Philip Withers, when his game lay between his safety and his vanity.

And this lucky rustic, this upstart lout, rich without deserving it for any competence he had, was giving himself the airs of an intelligent dealer, presuming to approach Rafael, "his deputy," with a proposal for a freight-rate bill to promote the shipping of oranges into the interior of Spain!

It seems she was married to a drunken, good-for-nothing lout, who beat her.

I've wasted time enough on you and your brat of a brother, and now a Western lout is to spoil what I've done?

I say that you have struck me, you foolish, clumsy-fingered lout.

21 adjectives to describe  lout