26 adjectives to describe lulls

His last words were almost screamed at her, as he strove to make his voice sound above the storm, and in a sudden lull of the storm, they rang through the house.

After a long time, hours it seemed to Jerry, during a temporary lull in the howling of the gale, he ventured to peep forth.

" Here there was a brief lull in the conversation, and, even as I was trying to think of a poser for Mr. Jellicoe, that gentleman took the opportunity to change the subject.

"Hurl little Darry in!" yelled someone hoarsely in a momentary lull in the noise.

For the moment there was a little lull in the firing, but we felt that some big fate was looming over us.

She was beginning to dread these occasional lulls in business.

a slight lull in the talk disclosed the fact that our respected guest was nodding.

The sea, the atmosphere, the light, bore an orchestral part in this universal lull.

There was an awkward lull, and in the offended gaze of Miss Nugent Mr. Hardy saw only too plainly that he was held responsible for the appearance of the unwelcome visitor.

There was at this time an ominous lull in the moaning pound of shrapnel.

After this succeeded a prolonged lull.

Something ghostly in the silent, motionless figure of the Woman, covered as with a pall, by the drifting snow, and in the shadowy string of dogs faintly seen, from time to time, when a rare lull cleared the air to a dim and misty grayness.

There is at present, indeed, a remarkable lull, a "truce of God," which, it may be hoped, is of good omen; but we dare not be too sure that it is going to be permanent.

A suspicious lull soon after succeeded, and we momentarily expected the storm to overtake us.

Cornplanter, a valiant and able warrior, who had both taken and given hard blows in warring against the Americans, was among the chiefs and ambassadors who visited Fort Pitt during the troubled lull in frontier war which succeeded the news of the peace of 1783.

After the close of the Revolution there was a short, uneasy lull in the eternal border warfare between the white men and the red.

The blow we received was an absolute lull.

It was a glorious thing to see our good ship mount slowly up the side of one of these watery lulls, till her prow was lifted high in air, then, rocking over its brow, plunge with a slight quiver downward, and plough up a briny cataract, as she struck the vale.

So that in spite of the apparent lull in the Allied offensive on the French front, during the later weeks of May, all has really been going well.

What would you do, if the brutal lull of an Appius ravished from your arms an only daughter?

The gloomy lull of the early part of the winter of 1860-1, seeming big with final disaster to our institutions, affected some minds that believed them to constitute one of the great hopes of mankind, much as the eclipse which came over the promise of the first French Revolution affected kindred natures, throwing them for the time into doubt and misgivings universal. 2.

In five minutes the human mass had worked back to the Sugar-pole and there was the inevitable lull while its members "verified.

There is an instant lull, the din and clatter of the streets cease, the crowd surges, separates, and disappears, the palace windows and balconies empty themselves, the street forms are vacant.

For three days the storm continued with only intermittent lulls, but with the dawn of the fourth day the sky was again cloudless, and the sun rose with a blinding effulgence.

Another breathless evening settled over allat first with a dusty, copper light, widespread, as though sky and land were seen through smoked glass; another dusk, of deep, sad blue; and when this had given place to night, another mysterious lull.

26 adjectives to describe  lulls