109 adjectives to describe lusts

It is hardly to be expected that war will cease from the earth this side of the millennium; but women will surely only, condone it when urged by some tremendous need or enthusiasm; they will not rejoiceas men sometimes doin the mere lust of domination and violence.

"Nothing which the brutal lust and wanton cruelty of these savages could wreak upon their helpless and innocent victims was omitted from the category of their crimes," said the governor.

Buonaparte, it may be remembered, was at that time making preparation for his Russian campaign, and a universal alarm prevailed as to the final result of his insatiable lust of conquest. 5 mo.

Mere unbridled and irrational lust may have led to wars of extermination in the past.

He plays the woman and has surrendered himself to unnatural lust.

Whereas in truth you love nothing, not even your own soul; but only set a superlative value on whatever will gratify your selfish lust of enjoyment, and insure you from hell-fire at a thousand times the true value of the dirty property.

And, like a murd'rer, sent you to your grave, Do but go with me to my mother's house; There shall you live in secret for a space, Only to see the end of such lewd lust, And know the difference of a chaste wife's bed, And one whose life is in all looseness led.

X. Ignorance, the source of all our miseries, blinds us to celestial beauty and makes us follow carnal lust.

Caught in the flames of fleshly lusts, and burning with anguish, it sees not the pure and peaceful beauty of Truth.

For you can, I can, every baptized man can take his choice between the selfish life of the heathens and the loving life of God: we may either keep to the old pattern of man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; or we may put on the new pattern of man, which is after God's likeness, and founded upon righteousness and truthful holiness.

" Yea, but I am ashamed, disgraced, dishonoured, degraded, exploded: my notorious crimes and villainies are come to light (deprendi miserum est), my filthy lust, abominable oppression and avarice lies open, my good name's lost, my fortune's gone, I have been stigmatised, whipped at post, arraigned and condemned, I am a common obloquy, I have lost my ears, odious, execrable, abhorred of God and men.

We are eager, too, to get money, and get more money stillpiercing ourselves through too often, as the Apostle warned us with many sorrows, and falling into foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

I shrieked, my eyes staring with ravenous lust for his blood; 'and now I am going to pay you well for it.

Sirrah, go you and bring the soldier, That hath so loosely lean'd to lawless lust: We will have means sufficient, be assured, To cool his heat, and make the wanton chaste.

It was this blind blood-lust which gave me victory.

Their officers were polite and well-bred men in whom I saw no sign of fiendish lusts and cruelties.

The horrible lust to kill was stamped on his distorted, grinning face, but for the present the will alone was not enough.

Like his brother, Count Girolamo, the offspring of illicit lust, and brought up in the depraved atmosphere of the Papal court, was a reprobate; but Sixtus' vaulting ambition stopped not at character and reputation.

If you will particularly know how, and by what means, consult physicians, and they will tell you, that it is in offending in some of those six non-natural things, of which I shall dilate more at large; they are the causes of our infirmities, our surfeiting, and drunkenness, our immoderate insatiable lust, and prodigious riot.

Schuré is by no means the only author who has thus confounded love with murderous, jealous lust.

An umpire, partial and unjust, And a lewd woman's impious lust, Lay heavy on her head, and sunk her to the dust.

In the jumping light of the flames the face was that of a demon, a countenance twisted and tortured by the impotent lust to destroy.

They have but few qualities to redeem their treachery, cruelty, and revengeful dispositions; and one of the principal causes of their being so predominant, or even of their existence, is their inordinate lust for power.

Among you indeed naught provoketh war or awakeneth strife, but either an irrational impulse of anger or an insane lust of glory or the covetous desire of possessing another man's lands and possessions.

In such words, an immoral father condemned his lovely daughter to feed the unholy lust of the "Tyrant of Florence"Moloch was never better served.

109 adjectives to describe  lusts