17 adjectives to describe manoeuvrings

There was little manoeuvring.

What could the artful manoeuvrings of Catherine and the waverings of Henry III.

By skilful manoeuvring the gun was got much nearer, and at once the range was obtained to a nicety.

He opened his first campaign early; and, by a display of clever manoeuvring, which threatened an attempt to force the French to raise the siege of La Fere, in the heart of Picardy, he concealed his real designthe capture of Calais; and he succeeded in its completion almost before it was suspected.

" Between the two rivals in France, relations with England were a subject of constant manoeuvring and strife.

" By the aid of some delicate manoeuvring I brought the Betty round, and then getting into the dinghy pulled myself ashore.

5 Military collapse In foreign affairs the whole eleventh century was a period of diplomatic manoeuvring, with every possible effort to avoid war.

Tamar was fully aware that she had power to cause her patron at any time, to yield to her caprices; and she now used this power, as women know so well how to effect these thingsnot by reasonor persuasion, but by those playful manoeuvrings, which used in an evil cause have wrought the ruin of many a more steadfast character than Dymock.

but the cautious victor had no notion of such prompt manoeuvring; nor would he risk against foreign enemies the exhaustion of forces destined for the enslavement of his people.

To meet the impact of this heavy mass, not only desperate fighting, but rapid and skilful manoeuvring, was necessary.

There was little hard fighting, but more scientific manoeuvring than is generally displayed in a campaign.

Kate had, through Olympia's unobtrusive manoeuvring, been forced to bear the burden of Jack's nursing, and, somehow, when that impatient warrior mingled amorous pleadings with his early consciousness, she forgot upon which side the burden of repentance and forgiving lay.

A manoeuvring and managing individual, entirely unscrupulous in his choice of means, condescending to flattery and lies, he strove to stand as patron between the Pope and subordinate craftsmen.

There was some very pretty aerial manoeuvring, right over our heads, as the combatants swooped and circled for position.

It was not warmilitary manoeuvring: science had as little to do with it as sight.

Thus had he fallen, in his utter simplicity, into the attitude of a go-between protecting the advances of a young lover with the shadow of his monk's gown, and he became awkwardly conscious, that, if Elsie should find out the whole truth, there would be no possibility of convincing her that what had been done in such sacred simplicity on all sides was not the basest manoeuvring.

By dint, however, of some exceedingly cautious and wary manoeuvring, M'Kay at length found himself in a position favourable to his meditated proceedings.

17 adjectives to describe  manoeuvrings