4 adjectives to describe marl

And such, I think, we can find in the so-called New Red sandstone, which, with its attendant marls, covers a vast tractand that a rich and busy oneof England.

For us, we could only give a hasty look at its southern volcanic cliffs; while we regretted that we could not inspect the marine strata of the eastern parts of the island, with their calcareous marls and limestones, hardened clays and cherts, and famous silicified trees, which offer important problems to the geologist, as yet not worked out.

Many of the cliffs were composed of a light-coloured marl; but the formation is chiefly old arenaceous rocks.

They are giant splendors, hundreds of feet in height, built of blood-red sandstone capped with variegated marls.

4 adjectives to describe  marl