4 adjectives to describe melodists

East Florida includes a long peninsula, and extends westward to the Suwanee River, concerning which the negro melodist delights to sing.

Davy's "Bay of Biscay," deserves its popularity; and the "Sailor Boy," "The Old Commodore," and one or two other melodies by Reeve, (who, though not much of a musician, was an admirable melodist,) abound also in the qualities which I have already alluded to, as peculiar to the national music adapted to sea songs.

Rubinstein was not only one of the greatest pianists, but one of the most spontaneous and fertile melodists of all times.

The thickets were musical with the chattering cat-birds and whip-poor-wills, mingled with a score of woodland melodists that Jack's limited woodcraft did not enable him to recognize.

4 adjectives to describe  melodists