63 adjectives to describe membrane

"Cholera increased; cold, wet, innutritious and irritating diet produced dysentery, congestion and disorganization of the mucous membrane of the bowels, and scurvy.

The infero-posterior face is covered by the keratogenous membrane, and follows closely the shape of the horny frog, on whose inner surface it is moulded.

The principal structures which unite in the formation of a joint are: bone, cartilage, synovial membrane, and ligaments.

There is only the inner shell membrane between the liquid white of the egg (albumen) and the water.

From ignorance of this fact, calomel is often repeated again and again to relieve that very condition which it has itself produced, causing, but too frequently, a degree of irritation in the delicate lining membrane of the bowel, which it may be very difficult for a medical man to remove, and perhaps a source of misery to the child as long as it lives.

Onion, like the Leek, Garlic, and Shalot, belongs to the genus Allium, which is a numerous species of vegetable; and every one of them possesses, more or less, a volatile and acrid penetrating principle, pricking the thin transparent membrane of the eyelids; and all are very similar in their properties.

The surface of the auricle is convoluted to collect and transmit the vibrations of air by which sound is produced the auditory canal conducts these vibrations to the tympanic membrane.

The outer coat is the serous membrane which lines the abdomen,the peritoneum (note, p. 135).

That is, break the shell carefully and snip the outer shell membrane, thus opening the space between the outer and inner membranes.

Our lobster has not always been what we see it; it was once an egg, a semifluid mass of yolk, not so big as a pin's head, contained in a transparent membrane, and exhibiting not the least trace of any one of those organs, the multiplicity and complexity of which, in the adult, are so surprising.

A fresh or living bone is covered with a delicate, tough, fibrous membrane, called the periosteum.

In another part of his work* he describes and figures, in the early state of the Ovulum, two coats, of which the outer is the testa; the other, his middle membrane, is evidently what I have termed nucleus, whose origin in the Ovulum of the Apricot he has distinctly represented and described.

Each lung is covered, except at one point, with an elastic serous membrane in a double layer, called the pleura.

The inner surfaces of the windpipe and bronchial tubes are lined with mucous membrane, continuous with that of the throat, the mouth, and the nostrils, the secretion from which serves to keep the parts moist.

It consists essentially of modified ephithelial cells floated upon the auditory epithelium, or basilar membrane, of the cochlea.

Each lateral process consists, first, of a deep cup-like cavity above; second, a middle compartment, the avicularium; and third, a third loculament below the avicularium, the wide opening of which is covered in by a convex transparent membrane.

In the course of the next four-and-twenty hours in some cases, and in others not until the expiration of two or three days, it completely covers the body; not being confined exclusively to the skin, but frequently extending to the mouth and throat, and even to the external membrane of the eye.

Hence, from this point of view, the difference between animals and plants consists in this; that, in the latter, the contractile substance, as a primordial utricle, is enclosed within an inert cellulose membrane, which permits it only to exhibit an internal motion, expressed by the phenomena of rotation and circulation, while, in the former, it is not so enclosed.

] The nerves which supply the nasal mucous membrane are derived from the branches of the fifth and the first pair of cranial nerves,the olfactory.

The blood in the pulmonary capillaries is separated from the air only by a delicate tissue formed of its own wall and the pulmonary membrane.

There is a pipe that goes into the inside of the neck, called throat, from the roof of the mouth to the breast, which is made up of cartilaginous rings nicely set one within another, and lined within with a very smooth membrane, in order to render the air that is pushed from the lungs more sonorous.

Inside the skull it is protected by a thick membrane.

A fresh or living bone is covered with a delicate, tough, fibrous membrane, called the periosteum.

They should be chosen large, softish, not much wrinkled, of a reddish-yellow colour on the outside, with a whitish membrane between the fruit and the stone.

Lastly there is the mucous coat, a moist, pink, inelastic membrane, which completely lines the stomach.

63 adjectives to describe  membrane