27 adjectives to describe meshes

He had a hand to the surface bulbs, but a silken mesh seemed tightening about him.

It is an honest effort to unravel the tangled mesh of circumstances that led up to the Armistice Day tragedy in Centralia, Washington.

<pb id='301.png' n='1966h2/A/2555' /> BELITT, BEN The five fold mesh.

In Far From the Madding Crowd, for example, Gabriel Oak wished to have Bathsheba know "his impressions; but he would as soon have thought of carrying an odor in a net as of attempting to convey the intangibilities of his feelings in the coarse meshes of language.

One web of the complicated mesh which had been woven about the spirit of the Queen had at length given way, while her refusal to accede to the request of the Prince de Condé convinced them that he was no longer likely to prove so formidable an enemy to themselves as he had recently been.

The modest lunch that I had expected became a veritable feast, and having been entangled in the convivial meshes, I had to stay until the end of it all.

The eye that directs a needle in the delicate meshes of embroidery will equally well bisect a star with the spider web of the micrometer.

A lecturer now for something like a quarter of a century, one of the pioneers of the lecturing system, the charm of his voice, his manner, and his matter has never lost its power over his earlier hearers, and continually winds new ones in its enchanting meshes.

An open piece of country would have been a sight of joy to our eyes that were weary of the everlasting mesh of green which encompassed us like the tentacles of a malignant fate.

Incapable of reformation, Justin Arnold, in order to obtain the means of dissipation, connected himself with a cleverly-organized band of swindlers and forgers, who so adroitly managed their nefarious business, that, till his capture, they had contrived to keep themselves clear of the lawthe inferior tools and dupes having been alone caught in its fatal meshes.

A time will comeI do not think it is far from uswhen this golden net of the world's wealth will be spread abroad as the flaming meshes of morning cloud over the sky; bearing with them the joy of the light and the dew of the morning, as well as the summons to honorable and peaceful toil.

The billows tumbling mountain high; And shoreward in the still sweet eve The low songs of the mermaids drift, As in some coral grot they weave Their seaweed robes, and sometimes lift Their long, strong, tangled lengths of hair Above the bosom of the wave, While 'mid its golden meshes fair

Lord Bearwarden, though absenting himself from home under such unpleasant circumstances, could not therefore shake off the thousand imperceptible meshes that bind a man like chains of iron to his own domestic establishment.

Or perhaps the clothes he wears beneaththe inner mesh and very balbriggan of his attireis of so hard a texture that it turns a tooth.

Its fibers are so lightly woven that they make innumerable meshes enclosing air, which is one of the best of non-conductors.

already the moths found themselves imprisoned in a strong net-work of sound, whose intricate meshes entangled the rooms and the company, and the very light itself.

Like a veil it spread among the trees tangling among their sharp branches, its lacy mesh tearing, to leave dark jagged holes.

In one of the most extensive pools, too deep for these birds, a couple of men had spread a sort of net, not unlike those used on Earth, but formed of twisted metal threads with very narrow meshes, enclosing the whole pool, a space of perhaps some 400 square yards.

But when at budding womanhood arrived, She casts aside all childish games, nor thinks Of aught save some gay paranymphwho, caught In love's stout meshes, flutters round the door, And fondly beckons her away from home, The whilst, her lady mother fain would cage The foolish bird within its narrow cell!

It twined and tangled her in the subtle mesh.

Those long, soft locks, in many a wave Curv'd with each turn her figure gave; Thick, or if threatening to divide, They still by sunny meshes hide; Eluding, by commingling lines, Whatever severs or defines.

No one, however dignified his station or appearance, is ashamed of purchasing the materials for his dinner in the open market, or of carrying them home exposed to the view of the world through the transpicuous meshes of a string bag.

I had come from Wisconsin and Northern Illinois, and, as the great railroad spider of Chicago had then spun but a few threads of his present tremendous mesh, I had made the greater part of my journey on horseback.

For it holds in its barbed meshes a record of one agonizing second in which Piggy saw the folded paper begin to slip and slide down the incline of his Heart's Desire's desk, whereon the Pratt girl had dropped it; saw the two girls grab for it; heard it crash from the seat to the floor with what seemed to him a deafening roar.

Sometimes the sea-gull With clanging pinions darted through the arch, And flapped them round her face; sometimes a wave, If tides were high and winds from off the sea, Rushed through the door, and in its watery mesh Clasped her waist-high, then out again to sea!

27 adjectives to describe  meshes