24 adjectives to describe meteors

ON THE TEXT [Footnote A: "For myself, I would rather have written 'The Mad Mother' than all the works of all the Bolingbrokes and Sheridans, those brilliant meteors, that have been exhaled from the morasses of human depravity since the loss of Paradise.

And like a sudden meteor which outstrips The splendour-wingèd chariot of the sun, ... eclipse

It was like a beam of light moving in the undulatory waves, meeting with occasional meteors in its path; it was exceedingly captivating.

Even the sad pieces, such as the "Lost Bower," end generally with a gleam of light, not from a mere meteor of passion or sentiment, but from a day-spring of Christian hope.

When the skiff had drawn about the sand spit, the reflecting waters around the Marie had vanished, and the fire appeared as a fallen meteor burning on the flat, black belt of encircling reef.

I only know that the sky was full of flaming meteors, that golden star dust rained upon us from an applauding heaven, that the earth rocked gently as we trod upon it.

The character of Conrad is undoubtedly finely imagined; as the painters would say, it is in the highest style of art, and brought out with sublime effect; but still it is only another phase of the same portentous meteor, that was nebulous in Childe Harold, and fiery in The Giaour.

We noticed a singular meteor in the East-South-East about 8 o'clock this evening, darting perpendicularly UPWARDS: it lasted for ten seconds: between the hour mentioned and midnight, we saw a great many, passing chiefly from south-east to north-west.

He derived this name from his long black beard, which, like a frightful meteor, covered his whole face, and terrified all America more than any comet that had ever appeared.

Would I could bark the sun out of the sky; Turn moon and stars to frozen meteors, And make the ocean a dry land of ice!

All sons but Richardsun of all those sons And can you let this little meteor, This ignis fatuus, this same wandering fire, This goblin of the night, this brand, this spark, Seem through a lanthorn greater than he is?

The night had settled down, and now the whole sky was lit up with the vivid and beautiful coruscations of the aurora borealisthat magnificent meteor of the North which, in some measure, makes up to the inhabitants for the absence of the sun.

These annual meteors in the upper air are supposed to be only small ones, and to be dissipated into dust and vapor at the time of their sudden heating; so numerous are they that 40,000 have been counted in one evening, and an exceptionally great display comes about once in 33¼ years.

The weight of evil, wait for such a favour, I am above your hate, as far above it, In all the actions of an innocent life, As the pure Stars are from the muddy meteors, Cry when you know your folly: howl and curse then, Beat that unmanly breast, that holds a false heart When ye shall come to know, whom ye have flung from ye. Dem.

"The heresy was seen glimmering here and there," says another contemporary witness [Florimond de Raimond in his Histoire de l'Heresie], "but it appeared and disappeared like a nightly meteor which has but a flickering brightness."At

Who, urged by fate, and fortitude their guide, On the wild surge their desperate fortune tried; Undaunted every toil and danger bore, And fixed their standards on a savage shore; What time they fled, with an averted eye, The baneful influence of their native sky, Where slowly rising through the dusky air, The northern meteors shot their lurid glare.

The helmet and the helmet-feather Burned like one burning flame together, As he rode down to Camelot; As often through the purple night, Below the starry clusters bright, Some bearded meteor, trailing light, Moves over still Shalott.

But it was all swift as a passing meteor, and when I looked a second time his face was normal and he was looking among the trees.

They had all the livid paleness of death; their eyes, deep-sunk in their sockets, resembled those phosphoric meteors that glimmer by night in places of interment.

Such barmy heads will always be working, when as sad vinegar wits sit souring at the bottom of a barrel; plain meteors, bred of the exhalation of tobacco and the vapours of a moist pot, that soar up into the open air, when as sounder wit keeps below.

Myriads of them flit about in the cool evening atmosphere, giving the appearance of countless meteors darting in different directions across the sky.

Last night I saw a falling stara meteor that blazed out of the night and vanished.

At the same moment I perceived the yawning abyss of hell like a fiery meteor at the feet of Caiphas; it was filled with horrible devils; a slight gauze alone appeared to separate him from its dark flames.

While that eccentric genius, Charles Townshend, whom no system could contain, is whirled out of existence, our more artificial meteor, Lord Chatham, seems to be wheeling back to the sphere of businessat least his health is declared to be re-established; but he has lost his adorers, the mob, and I doubt the wise men will not travel after his light.

24 adjectives to describe  meteors