17 adjectives to describe miscellany

FOLK-SAY, a regional miscellany.

This is a very curious and entertaining miscellany of critical remarks and literary history.

" He now became a contributor to a monthly miscellany called The Student; in which, besides his Progress of Discontent, were inserted A Panegyric on Oxford Ale, a professed imitation of the Splendid Shilling; The Author confined to College; and A Version of the twenty-ninth chapter of Job.

It is to be regretted that he did not collect and publish his literary papers, which would form a very agreeable miscellany.

In 1753, his Ode on the approach of Summer,The Pastoral, in the Manner of Spenser(which has not much resemblance to that writer), and Verses inscribed on a beautiful Grotto,were printed in the Union, a poetical miscellany, selected by him, and edited at Edinburgh.

Pretty Peg of Windsor, Gilian of Croydon; with Dolly and Molly; and Tommy and Johny; with many others to be met with in the musical Miscellanies, would make a great benefit.

About this time Johnson contributed several papers to a periodical miscellany, called The Visiter, from motives which are highly honourable to him, a compassionate regard for the late Mr. Christopher Smart.

I should prefer, I confess, to contribute the entire discourse to the pages of your respectable miscellany, if it should be found acceptable upon perusal, especially as I find the difficulty of selection of greater magnitude than I had anticipated.

Just so had she arranged hundreds of times the sweet smelling miscellanies which had been her father's constant tribute from grateful patients.

Without, however, detaining you, or your readers, by such obvious remarks, I shall resume my task, hoping that you will be able to find room for the following in your useful and entertaining miscellany.

At first sight, his voluble miscellany seems a mere wilderness of tame verses, but when we examine it closely a story gradually evolves.

" It is impossible in the present day to attempt anything like a correct list of the productions of Nash, many of which were unquestionably printed without his name: the titles of and quotations from a great number may be found in the various bibliographical miscellanies, easily accessible.

If Swift did not write for the Dublin News Letter, he certainly wrote for the Examiner, a weekly miscellany published in the Irish capital from 1710 to 1713, and the first journal that endeavored to create public opinion in Ireland.

I think that these bewildering miscellanies would lead to an immense quantity of that kind of overfeeding.

" It is impossible in the present day to attempt anything like a correct list of the productions of Nash, many of which were unquestionably printed without his name: the titles of and quotations from a great number may be found in the various bibliographical miscellanies, easily accessible.

The above inscription and Canon are from a very scarce book, me penes; if they are deemed worthy of a place in your entertaining miscellany, and no solution or English version should be offered to your notice for insertion, I will avail myself of your permission to send one for your approval.

The chairman added, that for a second offence he should do penance, according to ancient usage, in a blank sheet of the Magazine, (a contribution of his own being to that end suppressed,)a form of punishment likely to be as irksome to himself as grateful to the readers of that incomparable miscellany.]

17 adjectives to describe  miscellany