7 adjectives to describe misfits

ESTABROOKS, G. H. Man, the mechanical misfit.

I warn you, it's a most awful misfit.

The infant Christ could make no use of gold or frankincense or myrrh, nor could Della and Jim make use of the combs and the chain; but the love that prompted the giving shines all the more resplendent because the gifts, humanly speaking, were egregious misfits.

An unresolved discord, a continued conflict among the parts of the vegetative system, in spite of such education, is the foundation of the unhappiness of the acute or chronic misfits and maladjusted, the neurotic and the psychotic.

Tragedy and comedy are simply questions of value: a little misfit in life makes us laugh, a great one is tragedy and cause for expression of grief.

Vocational misfits have aroused the ardor of our efficiency experts.

Misunderstood and misjudged, they are the hopeless misfits of society.

7 adjectives to describe  misfits