26 adjectives to describe missive

In other words, this is the day on which those charming little missives, ycleped Valentines, cross and intercross each other at every street and turning.

" In his following missives Sebastiano flatters Michelangelo upon the excellent effect produced by the letter.

Meanwhile, however, she wrote very affectionately in reply to the brief missive, urging Rosa to come to New Orleans, and enclosing fifty dollars, with the statement that an old friend of her father's had died and left a legacy for his daughters.

Cooper was scarcely in France when he remembered his friends of the weekly club, and sent frequent missives to be read at its meetings; but the club missed its founder went into a decline, and not long afterwards quietly expired.

There are favours, short of the pecuniarya thing not fit to be hinted at among gentlemenwhich confer as much grace upon the acceptor as the offerer: the kind, we confess, which is most to our palate, is of those little conciliatory missives, which for their vehicle generally choose a hamperlittle odd presents of game, fruit, perhaps winethough it is essential to the delicacy of the latter that it be home-made.

In a sudden revulsion at his weakness he pulled himself together, crumpled the dirty missive into a ball, and flung it out upon the white rim of beach.

"At the same time that the formal missive was sent to me, a similar one was sent to Father Secchi, authorizing him to receive me.

Upon that, after dispatching a series of furious missives to Lord Palmerston, to Queen Victoria, to the Duke of Wellington, she renounced the world.

Is it from some high-coiffured beauty in the south wing with a message that must go post-hastea missive sanded, scented, and sealed by a trembling hand and to be opened by one no steadier?

Would the other succeed in reaching it, for that was, no doubt, his purpose, or had one of the leaden missives told?

" In the course of the afternoon Diggory secured Mugford's copy of Poe's tales, and (sad to relate) spent a good part of that evening's preparation in trying to unravel the secret of the mysterious missive which he had found in the box-room.

To this and numerous similar missives, which came for a time in rapid succession, Lord Elgin had but one replythat he could discuss nothing until the demands already made had been satisfied.

It was a great oblong missive, with the words 'On His Majesty's Service' printed at the top.

Is it from some high-coiffured beauty in the south wing with a message that must go post-hastea missive sanded, scented, and sealed by a trembling hand and to be opened by one no steadier?

The pouch was light, its contents were limitedbut how gladly five dollars per letter was paid for those precious missives.

The Rajah, so ran the regal missive, had been suddenly and mysteriously attacked by a dangerous malady, but confidently anticipated relief from Ananda's merits and incantations.

No more softly-scented missives lie upon his desk a-mornings; and, instead of blowing out the candle to dream of Daffodilia, he opens his eyes in the dark to defythe Dweller on the Threshold, if haply he should indeed already confront him.

Fortunately all these sombre pictures of a possible future were thrown into the background by the tender missives every post brought me, in which the brilliant word-painting of one of the most eloquent pens of this generation made the future for us both, as bright and beautiful as Spring with her verdure and blossoms of promise.

And, at this, she involuntarily glanced at the thick and double stamped missive, which, having no pocket, she carried in her hand.

Since the arrival of Master THEOPHILUS, I have just received weekly reports of his progress on printed forms, and I presume it is satisfactory, although I do not precisely understand these weekly missives, which are only a complex arrangement of figures.

I seized the welcome missives from my far home, with a beating heart, and hastening back, read till the words became indistinct in the twilight.

When we had grown more composed, Yolanda explained to me her hopes regarding the French king's answer to the altered missive, and the whole marvellous possibilities of the letter "t" dawned upon my mind.

I can get there sooner than you can, La Fleur," and without further word, she took the yellow missive and ran with it toward the barn.

From large and conquering eyes They shot forth burning arrows; With crooked words as sharp as a rapier They threatened to pierce my bosom; With cuneiform angular missives they battered My poor stunned brains; In vain I held out my shield for protection, The arrows hissed and the blows rained down, And hard pressed I was pushed to the sea By the North's fair Barbarians

What I mean to say is that if there is in a Government office a series of half a dozen standard epistles, one or other of which can be used as a reply to the majority of the conundrums that daily serve to bulge the post-bag of the "controller" or "director," the selection of the appropriate missive should not be left purely to chance.

26 adjectives to describe  missive