43 adjectives to describe modulation

It is only adding musical modulation to what a fine understanding might actually utter in the midst of its griefs or enjoyments.

The fourth canto was written at Ravenna; it is so said within itself; and the description of Dante's sepulchre there may be quoted for its truth, and the sweet modulation of the moral reflection interwoven with it.

Their refined taste and exquisite modulation are admirable; while the matter is far less sycophantic than was to be expected from so devout a monarchist.

And when he spoke, his voice was cool and impassive and cast in pleasant modulation.

He was as boldly original as Schubert, and as great a magician in the art of arousing deep emotion by means of novel, unexpected modulations.

At this moment there began to rise from the very depths of the gorge below her the sound of a rich tenor voice, with a slow, sad modulation, and seeming to pulsate upward through the filmy, shifting mists.

Now he is spoken of with a significant modulation of voice, it is discovered that he has great talents, and his popularity with the army is descanted upon with a mysterious air of suppressed satisfaction.

A Primer for practical keyboard modulation for the piano.

Rhythm and poetical expression are essential attributes of dramatic genius, but the original sign of race and mission is an instinctive modulation of man with the deeds he attempts or achieves.

But there is also in speaking a sort of concealed singing, not like the peroration of rhetoricians from Phrygia or Caria, which is nearly a chant, but that sort which Demosthenes and Aeschines mean when the one reproaches the other with the affected modulation of his voice.

Mr. Winlaw, in the main, is a fair speaker, with a rather eccentric modulation, is a medium, gentlemanly-seeming, slightly-inflated, polished, precise minister, who has earned the confidence of his flock, and the goodwill of many about him.

a strange, swift, sharp-sounding, fitful modulation, part of it pungent, quasi latrant, other parts of it cooing, bantery, lovingly quizzical, which no charm of his fine ringing voice (metallic tenor, of sweet tone), and of his vivacious rapid looks and pretty little attitudes and gestures, could altogether reconcile you to, but in which he persisted through good report and bad.

The rain drummed steadily, and as steadily came the gentle modulations of Kirk's voice, as the tale of "The Tinder-Box" progressed.

They come to hear a certain number of lines recited with just gesture and elegant modulation.

To do this successfully at least five things appear to be necessary: a sterling education, marked ability in writing and in public speaking, a noble manner, a voice capable of majestic modulations, and a deep and tender heart.

This song said, in marvelous modulations, all that man thinks and feels, all that he suffers, all that he seeks, all that falls short of fulfilment for him.

He was as boldly original as Schubert, and as great a magician in the art of arousing deep emotion by means of novel, unexpected modulations.

The visitor did not join the company, but from another room, now and then, sounded his clear-pitched voice, full of odd and courteous modulations.

Does he sing with peculiar modulations from the regular into a falsetto voice?

Soon after the arrival of the Song-Sparrow, when the spring-flowers have begun to be conspicuous in the meadow, we are greeted by the more fervent and lengthened notes of the Vesper-bird, (Fringilla graminea,) poured out with a peculiarly pensive modulation.

I turned to see my father facing me beside the table I had quittedthe calm modulation gone from his voice, his whole body poised and alert, as though ready to spring through the space that separated us.

she sits on diamond rocks Sleeking her soft alluring locks lines which anticipate and rival the perfection of rhythmic modulation in L'Allegro and Il Penseroso.

Bigotphones, I must explain to those readers who are uninitiated, are delightfully simple contrivances fitted with reed mouthpiecesexact representations in mockery of the various instruments that make up a brass bandbut composed of strong cardboard, and dependent solely on the judicious application of the human lips and the skilful modulation of the human voice for their effect.

Her voice is clear, deep and thrilling, and like sonic grand strain of music, there is power and meaning in its slightest modulations.

At this moment there began to rise from the very depths of the gorge below her the sound of a rich tenor voice, with a slow, sad modulation, and seeming to pulsate upward through the filmy, shifting mists.

43 adjectives to describe  modulation