10 adjectives to describe monde

Vis-a-vis with her, and consequently with myself, was Adonaïs, a celebrated author, and person of the beau monde.

"Ils paraissent si excédés du grand monde et des fêtes, qu'avec d'autres petites difficultés qui se sont élevées, nous avons décidé qu'il

They were merely of that class of witty, well-dressed parasites who always cling on to the wealthy and make believe that they are smart and of the grande monde.

In the Pavilion Bleu at St. Cloud elegant little ladies of the demi-monde sipped rose-tinted ices and said for a thousand times; "Ciel, comme il fait chaud!" and slapped the hands of beaky-nosed young men with white slips beneath their waistcoats and shiny boots and other symbols of a high civilization.

W. found Princess Bismarck not very femme du monde; she was preoccupied first with her dinner, then with her husband, for fear he should eat too much, or take cold going out of the warm dining-room into the evening air.

Cependant il y avoit dans le lieu une assez grande quantité de monde.

Ross retained the impassive expression he had been cultivating ever since he read in English "high life" novels descriptions of the bearing of men of the "haut monde."

MOYEN DE SE PLACER AUPRÈS DU FEU Benjamin Franklin, arrivant dans une auberge par un temps très froid, trouva le feu de la cuisine, le seul qu'il y eût dans la maison, tellement entouré de monde, qu'il ne put en approcher.

The lady persisted and appeared one morninga pretty, well-dressed femme du monde whom I had often met without making her acquaintance.

Il gisait sur la brume insondable qui tremble, Hors du monde, au delà de tout ce qui ressemble A la forme de quoi que ce soit.

10 adjectives to describe  monde