4 adjectives to describe monopolists

BUT JULIET A man may have several intimate friends, and a mother may dote on a dozen or more children with equal affection; but romantic love is a monopolist, absolutely exclusive of all participation and rivalry.

But these married monopolists thrust the most obnoxious part of their patent into our faces.

The spoilt monopolists of Seville demanded therefore the abandonment of a colony which required considerable yearly contributions from the home exchequer, which stood in the way of the mother country's exploiting her American colonies, and which let the silver of His Majesty's dominions pass into the hands of the heathen.

I need not speak of the obloquy which Burke incurred from the press, which teemed with pamphlets and books and articles to undermine his great authority, all in the interests of venal and powerful monopolists.

4 adjectives to describe  monopolists