151 adjectives to describe moon

Fast and faster she rode 'neath the pale moon, her eyes ever gazing towards the gloom of the forest, her heart throbbing quick as the hoof-beats of her horse.

The moon was just risinga great yellow moon such as only Russia knowsthe land of the silver night.

On the night of October 30-31 a brilliant moon lit up the whole country.

She had ceased to grieve, to rub her eyes with her paws, to whine for the sunlight, the golden moon and the stars.

The little moon came out too soon, And in her fright looked thin and white, The stars then shone, And every one Twinkled and winked and laughed and blinked.

And the broad, broad moon sank down at noon, red in the stormy west.

So Allan sang till the great round silver moon gleamed with its clear white light amid the upper tangle of the mazy branches of the trees.

So in a while they arose from their knees and went their way, while the dead youth lay with wide eyes that seemed to out-stare the pallid moon.

At eleven o'clock a small, watery moon cut through a sky that was fleecily cloudeda swift moon that rode fast as a ship.

"We'll sing 'The lovely moon is risen.'

It was a still, calm night, the glorious moon was sailing through the sky; the river was running water; the clouds were cloudy; the soldiers were soldiering.

The crowding slaves his awful nod obey, And silver moons around his banners play; What Chief, or Prince, has grasped the hostile sword?

Signed and sealed on the fourth day of the eighty-ninth moon of your majesty's auspicious reign.

Nay, why dost tremble?" "O my lordsee yonderthat cloud, how blacksee how it doth furtive creep upon the gentle moon" "'Tis a long way hence, my Helen!" "Yet will it come.

But when it gaped, an inch only, Roy saw the faint radiance of a clouded moon.

The light you see is our bright tropical moon.

"Skies full of splendid moons and shooting stars, And spouting exhalations, diamond fires."

In the tenth moon; illustrated by Henry Pitz.

Riders of the coyote moon.

I 1 Surely at last, O Lady, the sweet moon That bringeth in the happy singing weather Groweth to pearly queendom, and full soon Shall Love and Song go hand in hand together; For all the pain that all too long hath waited In deep dumb darkness shall have speech at last, And the bright babe Death gave the Love he mated Shall leap to light and kiss the weeping past.

And now in his ears were cries and groans and other hateful sounds, and to his nostrils came a reek of sweating flesh and the scent of trampled grass; while the moon's tender light showed faces wild and fierce, that came and went, now herenow there; it glinted on head-piece and ringed mail, and flashed back from whirling steela round, placid moon that seemed, all at once, to burst asunder and vanish, smitten into nothingness.

Beyond the line of sycamore, poplar and fig-trees that shaded the gardens of Ilgün, rose the distant chain of Allah Dagh, and in the pale-blue sky, not far above it, the dim face of the gibbous moon showed like the ghost of a planet.

All pale, and withered, and disconsolate, The moon is looking on impatiently; For 'twixt the shining tent-roof of the day, And the sun-deluged lake, for mirror-floor, Her thin pale lamping is too sadly grey To shoot, in silver-barbed, white-plumed arrows, Cold maiden splendours on the flashing fish: Wait for thy empire Night, day-weary moon!

It had been an evening of cloud, but now the sky was clear and the moon shone bright and round as they reached that desolate, wind-swept heath that went by the name of Hangstone Waste, a solitary place at all times but more especially wild and awful 'neath the ghostly moon; wherefore Roger went wide-eyed and fearful, and kept fast hold of Beltane's stirrup.

Silence followed the last words, while the friendly moon climbed up the sky.

151 adjectives to describe  moon