5 adjectives to describe morbid

We suspect that Mr. Wordsworth's feelings are a little morbid in this respect, or that he resents censure more than he is gratified by praise.

So I have not been permitted to design a fine nightmare or a creditable terrornothing morbid or blood-freezing, no sea-serpents or krakens or hippogriffs, nor anything that gives me a really free hand,for months and months: and my art suffers.

The cause of it is an inward morbid discontent, often co-existing with a naturally restless temperament.

They see another, and he seems to them full of strange unreality, strained, exaggerated, morbid, bristling with a forced yet inflexible intolerance.

[U.S.]; valetudinary^. unsound, unhealthy; sickly, morbid, morbose^, healthless^, infirm, chlorotic

5 adjectives to describe  morbid