49 adjectives to describe mysticism

The former is an extravagance of sexual mysticism.

The East never gave valuable knowledge to the West; it gave the tendency to religious mysticism, which in its turn tended to superstition.

Even Ghazâlî's ethical mysticism is not for the multitude.

This deep simple faith in the divineness of Nature as she appears, which, in our eyes, is Mr. Tennyson's differentia, is really the natural accompaniment of a quality at first sight its very opposite, and for which he is often blamed by a prosaic world; namely, his subjective and transcendental mysticism.

They are the highest expression of "erotic mysticism" in English; a marvellous combination of flaming ardour and sensuousness of description with purity and austerity of tone.

No longer fascinated by the dreams of mediaeval mysticism, and unable for the moment to invest ideals of the fancy with reality, they meanwhile made the great discovery that the body of a man is a miracle of beauty, each limb a divine wonder, each muscle a joy as great as sight of stars or flowers.

The works of "Dionysius" were translated from Greek into Latin by the great Irish philosopher and scholar, John Scotus Erigena (Eriugena), and in that form they widely influenced later mediæval mysticism.

Gretchen and Helena, Wagner and Mephisto, Homunculus and Euphorion, the Emperor's court and the shades of the Greek past, the broodings of medieval mysticism and the practical tasks of modern industrialism, the enlightened despotism of the eighteenth century and the ideal democracy of the futureall this and a great deal more enters into Faust's being.

This soon degenerated into an extravagant system of speculative mysticism.

The wonder turns to mere mysticism; and mere mysticism always turns to mere immoralism.

The arithmetical mysticism of Pythagoras has no bearing upon our subject.

It is mysticism; the horrible mysticism of money.

but we liked the ballet, we liked Tolstoi and Dostoieffsky (we translated their inborn mysticism into the weakest kind of sentimentality), we liked the theory of inexhaustible numbers, we liked the picture of their pounding, steam-roller like, to Berlin... we tricked ourselves, and in the space of a night our trick was exposed.

Then study and bereavement and an innate mysticism led him to a profound sympathy with the mediæval Church.

Shakespeare must be left on one side, first, because the dramatic form does not lend itself to the expression of mystical feeling, and secondly, because even in the poems there is little real mysticism, though there is much of the fashionable Platonism.

He learned to mix freely with all orders of men, save one, and rejoiced to find the narrow mysticism which he had imbibed from his previous education gradually yielding to contact with the great world.

Comte's last work, the Philosophy of Mathematics, 1856, indulges in a most remarkable numerical mysticism.

How far this unstable religious position was subject to the influence of the oriental mysticism at which we have glanced already, is, at any rate, so far as concerns the classical age of Greek philosophy, a matter of conjecture.

Let not the reader turn back to this page in surprise, when he shall have reached the explanation of the tale, for mysticisms quite as palpable, if not of so ruthless a character, have been publicly acted by political bodies in his own times.

But Epicurean materialism was transformed into a pantheistic mysticism by the doctrine that God is the soul of matter.

And his subsequent language shows that there was a confraternity existing among the initiates like that of the masonic institution; for he says, with his peculiar mysticism, "If you meet an initiate, besiege him with your prayers that he conceal from you no new mysteries that he may know; and rest not until you have obtained them.

Colet came back from Italy, not to teach Platonic mysticism, but to unlock the Scriptures in the original,the centre of a group of scholars at Oxford, of whom Erasmus and Thomas More stood in the foremost rank.

In his volumes of sermon the Endeavours after the Christian Life, and Hours of Thought on Sacred Things, which remain among the choicest of their kind in our language, his austerity of moral tone is only relieved by an elevation of poetic mysticism till then unknown in Unitarian literature.

When the sum of the contents and tendency of the journal is drawn, it is a strange mixture of discriminating philosophy, devoted Christianity, Greek sensuousness, and pornographic mysticism.

The women dip fast and curtsy briskly; the men turn their hands in and out as if prehensile mysticism was a saving thing, and bow less rapidly but more angularly than the females; then you have the slender young lady who knows what deportment and reverence mean; who dips quietly, and makes a partial descent gracefully; the servant girl who goes through the preliminary

49 adjectives to describe  mysticism