26 adjectives to describe naps

They never looked pleased to see any one, and each took comfortable little naps in their armchairs after dinnerthe first comers had sometimes rather embarrassing entrances,but I am told they held very much to their receptions.

They never looked pleased to see any one, and each took comfortable little naps in their armchairs after dinnerthe first comers had sometimes rather embarrassing entrances,but I am told they held very much to their receptions.

The Leader waked from a brief nap cramped and uneasy, and began to howl in sympathy.

A whispered palaver on Dispensationism followed, during which I tilted my chair back against the wall and stole a pleasant little nap.

"Linnet is almost growing up," she had said to herself as she removed her cap for her customary afternoon nap.

" At the conclusion of Mr. Heath's speech the judge, as if awakening from a refreshing nap, opened his eyes; and uncommonly shrewd, intelligent eyes they were, when the expressive eyelids were duly tucked up out of the way.

I remember one night, when she had fallen into her first healthful nap, that the Doctor came down to rest a few minutes in the parlor where I sat alone.

An interrupted nap. 4.

Feeling that he needed comforting of some sort, he looked about for Mittens and discovered him at last, taking a much needed nap behind the sofa.

Avoid a noontide nap, ye threshing men: The chaff flies thickest from the corn-ears then.

He will cheerfully calm the perturbed nap of his old beaver by patient brushing in place of buying a new one, if only the Lieutenant's jaunty cap is what it should be.

Daisy was taking a post-prandial nap inside his beer barrel.

Daisy was taking a post-prandial nap inside his beer barrel.

There he became the companion and ally of Alimaymon, learned all his secrets, and once, during a pretended nap, overheard the Moor state that even Toledo could be taken by the Christians, provided they had the patience to begin a seven-years' siege, and to destroy all the harvests so as to reduce the people to starvation.

Soon, under the roof of Myron Beach, one of the distinguished lawyers of the West, with a good breakfast and sound nap, my night's sorrows were forgotten.

"I have had a sweet nap.

His feet sank almost out of sight in the thick nap of the carpets.

Some reminiscence of the manners of butlers which Peter had seen in theaters caused him to swing the overcoat across his left arm and polish the thin nap of the old hat with his right sleeve.

" "And now my dear," Lillian spoke briskly, "just lean your head against my shoulder, shut your eyes, and try to rest for a little; I know that sand with a rain coat covering doesn't make the most comfortable couch in the world, but I think I can hold you so that you may be able to take a tiny nap.

Even the Funny Manwith a fresh flask of whiskeysighed almost dismally between frequent uneasy "cat-naps."

Other eyes than the sun's were to look in upon him before he awakened from that untimely and imprudent nap.

Mother had the dishes to wash after she had tucked the Peter-bird under the afghan on the sitting room sofa for his daily nap, but there was never any grumbling in her heart over the weary days and the unaccustomed tasks; she was too busy "making things make themselves."

In that daytime nap he had suddenly heard her laughter ring out and with flying footsteps followed the sound, hoping to come upon her at every turn, but just when he was about to overtake her the train stopped with a jerk and startled him back into consciousness, with the echo of her laughter still ringing in his ears.

Even the Funny Manwith a fresh flask of whiskeysighed almost dismally between frequent uneasy "cat-naps."

But when Miss Damer returned in the afternoon, her mother was taking a gentle nap over the violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red stripes of a gorgeous Afghan she was knitting.

26 adjectives to describe  naps