75 adjectives to describe neighborhoods

At the period when the following incidents occurred, I was living with my father at The Grove, a large old house in the immediate neighborhood of a little town.

Nick Marsh, the poet of the class, as became the mystic tendencies of his tribe, was for poisoning the detested PomeranianOswald was a compatriot of Bismarck, often boasting, as the then slowly emerging statesman became more widely known, that he lived in his near neighborhood.

There is no time to think of food until we get away from this dangerous neighborhood.

Up to Sunday, the twenty-first of August, 1831, there was nothing to distinguish it from any other rural, lethargic, slipshod Virginia neighborhood, with the due allotment of mansion-houses and log-huts, tobacco-fields and "old-fields", horses, dogs, negroes, "poor white folks", so called, and other white folks, poor without being called so.

A single family cannot control a whole street, although cooperation can accomplish a great deal in the way of congenial neighborhoods.

We are told that "in this somewhat more populous neighborhood she soon became known as a person of more than common interest, and, moreover, as a most devoted daughter and the excellent manager of her father's household.

Among the mountains, somewhere between the Androscoggin and the Saco,I don't feel bound to tell you precisely where, and I have only a story-teller's word to give you for it at all,lies the little neighborhood of Outledge.

"But it's in the dead swell neighborhood," he explained, "where I have no occasion to visit.

There are men who carry weight in a damp, marshy neighborhood, who, amid bracing mountain air might have done things which now they will never do.

These outbreaks had the kind of morbid interest for the Pocket Hunter that a house of unsavory reputation has in a respectable neighborhood, but I always found the accounts he brought me more interesting than his explanations, which were compounded of fag ends of miner's talk and superstition.

The deficiency has been more than made up by creating a large number of "Local" agentsso called, from the fact, that being generally Professional men, lawyers or physicians in good practice, or Ministers with congregations, they are confined, for the most part, to their respective neighborhoods.

I am congratulated by all in having made an excellent purchase, and I find a most delightful neighborhood.

Waupaca having been taken into the regular work, my father now visited the adjacent neighborhoods and established religious meetings, preaching usually two or three times on the Sabbath.

Presently she rang the bell at the Merrick residence, an eminently respectable dwelling; in a desirable neighborhood.

He was a short, square, brawny old gentleman, with a double chin, a mastiff mouth, and a broad copper nose, which was supposed in those days to have acquired its fiery hue from the constant neighborhood of his tobacco pipe.

A third niece, older and now marriedLouise Merrick Weldonlived on a ranch between Los Angeles and San Diego, which was one reason why Uncle John and his wards had located in this pleasant neighborhood.

To-day the people were coming in throngs, as to a festa, on foot from under the Portico di Zen, across the little marble bridge which spanned the narrow canal; on foot also from the network of narrow paved lanes, or calle, which led off into a densely populated quarter; for to-day the people had free right of entrance, equally with those others who came in gondolas, liveried and otherwise, from more distant and aristocratic neighborhoods.

The gross and carnal hallucinations of what is called "Spiritualism"the weakest-kneed of all whimsies that have come upon the parish from the days of the augurs down to our ownwould be disenchanted at once in a neighborhood familiar with Del Rio, Wierus, Bodin, Scot, Glanvil, Webster, Casaubon, and the Mathers.

This was a very fashionable neighborhood, and he kept the rooms on that account month after month.

Why had he thrown his life away and gone down into that foolish and shoddy neighborhood?

The place had the advantage of being in a very forlorn neighborhood where many children swarmed.

"Let not the generous German nation take it ill," he said, "if we invite them to lay resentment aside, and to convert into the beneficial relations of friendly neighborhood a domination which could never be prosperous or noble while it depended solely on the sword."

It was so long a time since the cell with the window had an occupant, that she was almost unconscious of that gloomy neighborhood.

He stands in history not as a lonely pinnacle like Mount Shasta, elevated above the plain "By drastic lift of pent volcanic fires"; but as the central summit of a mountain range, with all his noble fellowship of kindred peaks about him, enhancing his unquestioned supremacy by their glorious neighborhood and their great support.

Through many troubled days he had forgotten her, despised her, bound his heart in triple brass against a future in her hateful neighborhood; and now, beside her at this time-worn rail, he was in danger of being happy.

75 adjectives to describe  neighborhoods